Please dont add forced 2-2-2

That still doesn’t explain why everyone else should be forced to go along with it.

I play tank and support, but I don’t play them all equally well, and certainly not equally well on every map. So sure, I may want to Rein today, so I queue up for tank.

But then I’m on Nepal, which for whatever reason has always been a really bad Rein map for me. Right now, my response is to switch to Lucio, or sometimes Brig. But under forced 222, i’m stuck with tanking.

I hate rein on this map, i’m not good with orisa or Winston period, and now my only options are a couple of off-tanks that i’m only ok with, and didn’t want to play in the first place. And if the other tank player is already an off-tank and we need a main tank then im pretty much going to be pressured into playing a character that I know I can’t perform well with under these conditions.

If I could communicate with my team and find someone to swap roles with me, then that’d be fine. I can do that right now. It may not work, cuz not everyone is cooperative, but there’s a chance that someone will swap with me.

And even if they don’t, I can still swap off to something where i’d actually contribute to the team, because 222 isn’t the only viable option. But I lose that option to make adjustments if i’m locked into the role I thought I wanted before even knowing what map i’d be playing on.

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It means my teammates cannot force me into a situation where I either fill tank or lose.

If I queue support there will be two guaranteed tanks, so I am free to at least play a support with some kind of hope for winning.

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You’re right, I get the role I chose. The problem is that I’m forced to choose that role before even knowing what map i’m playing on, which has a huge effect on which roles/characters I’m good with.

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Same i fill tank usually but would love to think “oh im gna hop on and play some support” without worrying about dealing with multi dps comps or hindering my rank (role based SR pls) and would also be nice to dps once in a while knowin im not fighting every1 for that right.

I am totally fine with you playing a hero you are mediocre at or one that isn’t perfect for the map. I won’t judge people for trying and failing, just not trying.

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Hey OP, you can still have dps heavy teams after 2/2/2 is implemented. Just use the game browser and make a lobby. I would imagine such games would be popular.

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For what it’s worth, I think role based SR is brilliant.

But I don’t play a lot of comp, so it isn’t a great selling point for me down in quickplay land.

I’m sure it’ll be role based MMR too.

You can also have 222 in custom games right now…

Do custom games even have matchmaking? Surely you must understand that kicking the casuals, the creatives, and the flexes into lesser modes is not a real solution.

1 of my favorite things personally would be ranking up all 3 roles separately

I wonder if that support really wanted to play support :)…
I bet you got in the match and all locked DPS and then that person was like “ok well I don’t want to lose SR I’ll play support”

Yeah, I bet they did, and they were probably despondent anyway because they thought they were 100% going to lose the entire game.

If there was any way for role based SR to be a thing without requiring locked role queues, I would totally be on board. I’d love to know how well I perform in any given role, just for my own benefit.

But I still don’t want to have to commit before the game starts to what role I want to play, especially when the two roles I typically play only have 7 characters in the first places. At least if I played dps then I have plenty of options if the map or our team comp (or the enemy’s comp) doesn’t suit the character I initially wanted to play.

But as soon as I lock into tank or support I’ve somehow got to go through with it no matter how bad it might be for me. I’m not a tank main, I play 2 tanks, sort of… really just Rein, and I sometimes dabble in Roadhog. But I can’t make the commitment to the Crusader until I know its a map that I can actually be their shield on. Otherwise i’m completely useless, to the point where I might as well be throwing because of what a bad fit I am for the current game, and there will be absolutely nothing I can do about it even if I could practically carry by switching to support.

At least I play enough of the support cast well enough that I shouldn’t have any bad games when I queue up as support, but do I have to be a support main for the rest of my life just because I don’t want to run the risk of being a bad tank player when rein won’t work?

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Some people like to suggest a flex role that you could queue for, which could in theory solve my problem, but im not really sure how that would fit into a 222 matchmaker, or how it would work with role based sr…

Id argue thats this could be a blessing in disguise. Your tank SR would be seperate from your others so u could learn other tanks and improve your tanking without hindering your deserved rank as a healer or dps. Obcourse its all preference and would obviously be hard for alot of people adapting to not being able to switch between roles. Theres defo pros and cons for players like yourself

SR is a non-factor for me, i’m not trying to protect any rank cuz i’ll be mostly playing quickplay. But I still don’t want to waste one of the two tank slots on my team just cuz i’d feel bad for my teammates who are stuck with me when I know i’m not playing to my full potential.

Admittedly, if I ever do go back to comp (which I’ve thought about doing), then yeah you’re right. It’d be great to learn how I actually stack up as a tank player, and maybe it’d be a great learning experience.

And when I queue as support, it will be much less of an issue, and i’ll probably have at least a slightly higher sr in that category. (And if im lucky, maybe I could even get to silver in dps :stuck_out_tongue:)

But in quickplay it doesn’t really do anything for me besides make my game experience worse.

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But youll get ranked appropriately so u probably wont be hindering them. The fact you play shield is usually gonna be a positive from the get go anyway. Like i said, positives and negs.

I think 222 should be an option for quickplay but not enforced

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That’s all I ask for. Role based SR is a huge enough pro for comp that I think it would outweigh any cons, and sticking with one role honestly makes more sense in comp than quickplay anyway. All I want is for quickplay to remain free, and have 222 be an option for those who want it, without making it mandatory so that I can’t even enjoy quickplay anymore.

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Imo comp needs it for added structure, improved balance, less coin flip games and a better overall experience

But il be very surprised if quickplay enforces it fully. Like i said, an option to que 222 next to an option to que as anything would be nice. Keeps boths sides happy

They either have to go all in or not. Otherwise they cannot have role based MMR, and they can’t rebalance heroes for 2-2-2.