Please devs, communicate with us

2 months has passed, please give us some more information about these things or just give us small hints. I understand if they’re trying to get us hyped up, but I believe it’s not working.

The last dev update was 3 months ago, hopefully we will get one this month.

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They have been doing awful at hype recently blizzcon was a massive flop, half the peoples reaction to Ashe was “but… the floaty blue robot me wants!” and paris got 0 build up announcement it was just wake up and oh a new map… cool?

I really am starting to feel like the thread I made about Overwatch being a love story is becoming more and more accurate. Have we really gotten to the stage of begging for communication? “Baby… Baby please talk to me. We can make this work.”

C’mon bruh. You’re stronger than that. You out here looking like Tyrese when he had that breakdown a few months ago. Lol. Don’t be that guy. Please don’t. I’m rocking with you, fam’. You’re straight. Cut that out my guy.


I would actually die of laughter if Jeff and Geoff both replied with “no.”

It’s communication, right?

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the forums are a dumpsterfire right now so i’m not surprised that we haven’t been getting anything from them.

then again that’s probably why the forums are like this in the first place.

Back at it with talking fly as hell I see.

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French Montana haan Facts. Always and forever.

I mean seriously. How was Ashe ever supposed to compete with Echo. Did they even look at the designs? Do they now know their core audiences? The only reason Ashe and McCree got any attention was cuz red dead redemption made it cool to be a cowboy again

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Mmm they have been makeing very poor choices in how they release things recently. Lets show off this mysterious omnic that looks NOTHING like any other omnic we currently have that is clearly very core to overwatch with possibly the most interesting design we have ever created!.. and then give them Mccree in a pants suit

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