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Hmm what a strange and unheard of phenomenon. Are you saying that you won a few games and now it seems as if the matches are made artificially, unreasonably more difficult than they should ever be for your rank? Almost like it’s rigged?
Yeah,I also hate bean toss at carnivals. Total bullcrap.
Thanks for sharing the code. Your damage players are retarded, they cannot kill anyone while you actually have advantage. Not to mention that before tie break they were not with you at all.
I can tell you that I was constantly climbing in previous season and I didn’t really have a feeling that it was impossible to win as much as it was obvious that opposite team was better and my team mates bad.
They weren’t throwing. They were fighting against Symmetra in their…simply put, their spawn place, almost. So while you were trying to capture first point, just 4 of you, Tracer and Sombra were behind at their spawn location dealing with Symettra for good 2 minutes and something.
So yeah, they were just bad.
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If you are referring to their icon, you can’t. I mean, I have bronze icon and I am in high gold in competitive. You just have to look at what they are doing to know if they are throwing or not.
I had once Mercy and Lucio, just running around doing “Hello!”. That was throwing.
same i dont know what it is but i feel the same. its like the games are really back . i am getting players that are actually playing like they belong in bronze rather than plat/gold
i dont even want to hear it…I get the dumbest idiots as tanks every game now. Competitive mode is such a running joke at this point.
The key to climbing just seems to be: never losing games you should win (i.e. the close ones or games you start ahead) because there’s always going to be smurfs/leavers/griefers/bad teammates/bad personal games that screw you over. Losing the games you should win just makes it worse.
Sometimes the matchmaker will give you games you’re SUPPOSED to win by a LANDSLIDE. If you’re a DPS player you’ll get tanks and supports whose SR is lower than their MMR and they’ll enable the hell out of you. If a normal game for you is 30 elims and 10 deaths and 10k damage you might go 50 elims 5 deaths and 20k damage (just picking numbers). Of course this LOOKS like you popped off but maybe, given your teammates enabling you, it might have EXPECTED you to get 60 elims and 25k damage.
So even though you think you popped off, and you did compared to a normal game, you still underperformed expectations.
This is why if you’re on an account you care about rank, you need to try your f*cking @$& off every time you queue. If you’re winning fights, get the team to push to their spawn to farm ults to STOMP the next fight too. Your MMR is determined by on fire % and it varies by rank and role. Supports aren’t expected to be on fire as often as DPS and a gold DPS isn’t expected to be on fire as often as a diamond DPS.
Yeah, this. Unless you tangibly and measurably changed some aspect of your play style, why do you think you climbed? Random variance allows you to climb sometimes when you shouldn’t and when the matchmaker realizes that, it gets corrected.
You need to do more than just “try to win” to climb. You need to do that and try to improve. The whole player base is improving with all the guides out there and natural growth/practice so if you aren’t improving faster than they are you’re actually getting worse on a relative basis.
Do another bronze to plat/diamond run pls, and stream it. I wanna see exactly what it is that you do that is so successful.
24k damage in bronze? It sounds like maybe you had a thrower on your team? It happens. lol.
But I don’t think the matchmaking system is trying to keep you in bronze rooooofffflll
This tends to happen a lot. You will win a bunch of games and then suddenly you will end up where you started because that’s where you belong.
I keep winning on support and I’ve convinced myself I can make it to diamond now after constantly expecting myself to hit a losing streak but not. I’m still worried it will happen and I will be very sad If it does because I was about 50 sr away from diamond at one point.
Is 12 hours enough to determine if my over 55% winrate on a hero is legit and not just luck?
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The lowest acct I have right now is low diamond so that wouldn’t show much, just a slow ~60% win rate climb to masters. I’ll try to remember to stream it if I get another account.
I appreciate that. Or, even let me spectate you in a game that you’re in or something. I used to play this game like a FFA shooter and had no understanding of the respawn processes or ways to effectively take map control, etc. So I’m trying to learn, I’ve never played a shooter like OW before tho lol
people will say “well yea as you climb, sr increases and games get harder”
but i know what you’re talking about. I get streaks like this all the time.
usually always knocks me down 200-300sr before i get another win streak going back to where i was before.
It’s crazy cuz I’ve played plenty of games a rank above and those seem easier than these get.
What role are you maining?
There are streamers out there who narrate their decision making or shot call their games. That’s probably a good place to start. If you play support (even better if you play Ana), ML7 has educational series. Kabaji has it for DPS. Harbleu shot calls his tank games.