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what is your TTV ? :smiley:

You got overwatched
Or as a friend says

Jeffā€™s Law

For every win streak there must be a losing streak.


Iā€™m a damage main.

Iā€™ve watched a few of those videos. The thing is, theyā€™re playing in a rank where people actually seem to know what the hell theyā€™re doing. When they need peeling/heals, they get it at the snap of a finger. I obviously donā€™t have the luxury of being able to afford what is provided to those in higher ranks.

You, on the other hand, can go practically unscathed in how many games was it again? Iā€™d rather try and emulate what youā€™re doing since you do whatever it is that you do in the elo Iā€™m in

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Itā€™s just average time to kill. I can exploit openings that people with worse mechanics canā€™t. People think theyā€™re in position/safe, and they usually would be, but I can kill them faster than their team can react to help and escape without dying. Eventually I reach a point where I canā€™t kill things fast enough to have an impact on a flank so I have to play with the team or my position gets punished. My aim is easily the worst part of my skillset and what keeps me out of GM. I have great game sense, positioning, game knowledge, etc. If my aim was a littttle better Iā€™d get into low GM but sadly I donā€™t think thatā€™s going to improve as I have 2k+ hours in this game and Iā€™m in my 30ā€™s so reaction time/vision is only going to get worse.

But if you want a cliffā€™s notes version of what I do, I watch for people out of position, kill them, then work my way towards the objective. I spend VERY little time on the objective. People out of position are going to lose a duel to me because Iā€™m a higher rank than them with a shorter time to kill so I just look for duels I think I can win (I see them retreating, Iā€™m near a health pack, theyā€™re away from a healer, etc).

Iā€™m a Tracer/Genji main so I start with one of those depending on the healers we have (not going to play Genji if we have any 2 of Moira/Brig/Bap/Lucioā€¦ I want at least 1 of Ana/Mercy/Zen). If I canā€™t get picks because the team is too grouped, McCree hard focusing me, Torb turret I canā€™t consistently kill without wasting too much time, tank like Winston or Roadhog focusing me, etc. then Iā€™ll play 1 of Ashe, Hanzo, or Soldier depending on the healers (Soldier if heals are lacking) and just hope for the best.

Depending on the game (enemy smurf or incredibly coordinated team) Iā€™ll occasionally have to bring out Sombra, Mei, or Reaper but thatā€™s like 2-3 games on the entire climb. If Iā€™m playing tank Iā€™ll just play flank hog until diamond then Iā€™ll start throwing in some Zarya if thereā€™s the tank (Rein) or healers (not 2 off healers) to allow me to be as aggressive as I want.

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I appreciate your response, but itā€™s all really vagueā€¦ I mean, what does ā€˜out of positionā€™ mean? Does that mean coming back from spawn? Trying to take some dumb flank? Itā€™s really easy to pick apart an uncoordinated team. My problem lies in getting on the team thatā€™s uncoordinated while the enemy appears to be emulating a Roman phalanx. I feel like these are the games that test me, and Iā€™d like to overcome them if I can


Hindsight is 20/20. A lot of wannabe coaches will call out mistakes in hindsight like ā€˜you should have zigged when you zaggedā€™ or ā€˜done A when you did Bā€™.

That isnā€™t really proper coaching.

For the lower ranks, good coaching is more top-down and macroscopic, the way Jayne tends to do it for viewers. Focuses on good map control, setup, ult economy, and general positional awareness. You train this kind of high-level decision making and game-sense reasoning, and then focus on micro-tactics and advanced mechanical interactions.

The issue with these forums is the neighsayers will always be able to pick apart someoneā€™s gameplay and give reasons why they are the reason they lost.

A much more scientific approach to proclaim or refute rigged/unwinnable games is to ask them what the criteria for rigged/unwinnable actually is, then dig up replays that evidence this. Unforunately, the unbelievers have yet to provide a yardstick for rigged/unwinnable that we can use to fetch the evidence with.


Iā€™m sort of inclined to agree with you lol

Whenever someone asks for gameplay advice I usually try to focus on the good things they do, as opposed to over analyzing every single little misstep they took. Sometimes itā€™s good to point those things out too. But Iā€™d prefer to focus on what the person is doing right and build upon those qualities :slight_smile:

Or, realistically, accept that replays mean nothing. A game where your teammates were at a significant disadvantage doesnā€™t mean it was rigged, it could just as easily have been luck causing the same teammates.

Without Blizzardā€™s word, itā€™s very hard to prove or disprove to an acceptable standard. This is why I like edge cases, they are more likely to highlight disparity. I made a theory based on the fact that bronze to GM climbers still have equal SR games despite clearly having higher MMR as they are winning huge amounts of SR each game.

You can read more here:


I am interested what you think about my coaching/review here.

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Iā€™d add a simple list of bullet points.


Use ad strafes
Donā€™t give up high ground
always be active. Flank during breaks in fights, or if can be done very quickly.
Use natural cover
Fight at range appropriate for your weapon loadout

etc etc

Super simple fundamental fps skills that low elo players are lacking.

OW may be marketed as a team based shooter with ults, combos, etc, but I think that a lot of people do forget that it is an fps and having good mechanics can get you a long way.

In gold my bad mechanics not such an issue as I stay alive to heal and let my more able team mates carry me. But as mid silver tank I really need to up my mechanics to carry games where everybody, including me, is godawful.

I grinded some death match and climbed with 80% win rate from 1700 to gold with Lucio a few seasons back. Just winning duel after duel and not dying. One game I went 22-0 kd.

The matchmaking system is definitely rigged to ensure a complete and utter stomp one side or the other. Equal fights for me have been so rare as to be equivalent to non-existent.

Sounds to me you got lucky at first and were assigned to the ā€œstompā€ side, but now the matchmaker is assigning you to the ā€œstompeeā€ side. Once it starts doing that, youā€™ll never get back on the other list.

The Lucio in your team was very bad

Out of position, to me, just means not in the ideal position. Non-flankers (McCree/zen) flanking, away from their team, over extended, somewhere you can capitalize on them being there.

Zarya and McCree players are notorious for it. If you see them pushing ahead of their team, call for your team to push them or if youā€™re confident in your dueling, go for them yourself. Rein charging in without ranged heals on his team, out of position. Zen peaking ahead, out of position.

Spawn camping people when the fight is lost is highly valuable too. Example, youā€™re in the enemy back line, get a pick, and your whole frontline dies. Rather than try to regroup, head for enemy spawn and kill the person coming back. If the team peels, your front line rolls. If they donā€™t peel, you get a pick to start the next fight.

heres my bit of advice from just reading some of the comments and not watching the vod. it sounds like your somewhere in silver. the key to getting out of silver is to get as much value as you can. nothing will be organized, nothing will be pretty. your team will be bad, but so are your enemies. you have to carry. grind your mechanics, use cover ALWAYS, and dont die. that should get you to gold. gold is another nightmare in itself lol