Please DELETE Mercy

No, the opinion that a Mercy rework is needed was made.

No it is not. That’s your opinion, not a fact.

Run away, as per usual. Stop getting involved in other people’s discussions if you have nothing useful to input besides being the technicality police, or just a hypocrite who can’t accept other’s right to an opinion while thinking you speak as fact.

Was really entertaining reading your comments, both good and bad. Also shoutout the mods for restoring the forum post after it got mass reported lmao

he could also just play mercy, no need to practice your aim.

i mean the game would be in a better state as many people would actually have to fight to survive on support.

a hero with such a basic baseline is crazy. especially when people want you to play that hero. littleraly idlewatch…

People say the same about widow, tracer, etc.
somehow struggle to do it.

but people will keep defending her while at the same time say other heroes are opressive and can’t be dealt with.

mercy bad = healthy for the game
healthy for the game = good future
(i am using the same logic mercy players use)

Religious symbols…cult like attitude.

Sigh…she’s going to continue plaguing games huh?

My only issues are that she can stay airborne indefinitely it feels like, and if she’s pocketing a Pharah. Beyond that, I don’t really care. They don’t necessarily need to nerf GA, just nerf her hover or stop her heal/ boost when she’s flying to a teammate. That’s the worst I’d do to her.

I use a lot of projectile heroes, so she’s just harder to hit by default.

Yeah…there’s an exploit the Mercys are calling “Secret tech” that allows them to GA super jump, but ignore the CD increase. So long as you’re gliding into a GA super jump, Mercy won’t ever touch the ground.

This is the most “flier” based version of Mercy ever.