Please DELETE Mercy

aww no lucio lol

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No I knew my target audience :100: when I said that, you def come across as a M1 holder

Whatever makes you feel better I guess :joy:

And good job explaining why she doesn’t fit in 5v5 !


Calling OW2 GA skilled tech is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen :rofl:

thank you :heart: i appreciate that :3

Just delete her in your games by killing her? I do it on support. You can do it. Or focus on her and ignore my Ana and Kiriko, please!

I don’t get it how do they still leave 10-seconds window for her to res ? Like, make it 5 seconds, make it high risk high reward. Why if I killed someone I should stand still for the same 10 seconds as If I were dead not the corpse I have to camp. At this point the value of a kill is so low playing vs mercy. I literally have to stay afk or this beesh will come out of nowhere, thanks for nice “skilled” movement mechanics they’ve implemented with ow2, and just press 1 button. The ressed dude will get advantage in positioning + pocket now, full hp, no cooldowns.
Ressing the tank is a different story. Still 10 s window, but why on earth they are full hp, no cooldowns, full shields and so on? That’s a cheat basically, ngl. Nerf res by lowering window of opportynity by 50%, and the same should be done with her damage boost, nerf it by 50%, so we can have actual dps buffs, not to be held hostage by this dumb hero existence! Zen, you are next with your afk discords. 30 m nerfs was a slap of the wrist. 50% for you too my afk guy.

so true king she should have her resurrect as her ultimate again so at least you need skill to build it up rather than it being spoon-fed to you every 30 seconds whether or not youre a trash mercy or a top 500 mercy

make valkyrie a 3-second ability, 12-second cooldown, and resurrect back as her ultimate again, and all of a sudden mercy will be fun to play again, AND ALSO FUN TO PLAY AGAINST because killing her means youre Depriving her of ultimate (resurrect) charge rather than The Moth always having it every 30 seconds

so true king so true i agree mercy rework is needed

Play dps against a fair /good mercy in gold/plat, and tell me it is fun. Sorry but even with the movement nerf (which was INSANE before the nerf), it is still WAYYY TOO FAST. she zoom left right up down back forward and you hit her ONCE (which is already hard even as hitscan), she will heal instantly in the next 2 seconds. Sorry but mercy is unbalanced. and needs a rework AF.

Blue Beam just needs to die off and be replaced with some actual utility.

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There are players who want Mercy to be reworked, but this isnt the same as a need

No character needs a rework, including but not limited to Mercy, especially given the horrendously bad history of reworks in this game

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Literally all you do is search for any chance to be as technical as possible as if it’s your only way of arguing.

And that is their opinion if Mercy rework is NEEDED. They can believe that and say that without saying they “want” Mercy reworked. It is YOUR opinion that it is not needed, and you say no character needs a rework as if that isn’t your opinion but rather some fact. Which it is NOT.

the statement that was made was that a rework is needed

this was and is a want, not a need

my statement stands

I ask that the personal attacks cease

No, it is an opinion. Who is to decide what a “want” and a “need” is in terms of OW? Certainly not you.

Saying no character needs a rework is your opinion, just as much as them saying Mercy needs a rework is their opinion.

And immediately this is where we stop reading. Mouse buttons are easy but moving with Mercy is an art form most players completely suck at. It’s way harder to get value from Mercy than it is Moira who is the definition of low mechanical skill.

You just hate being dmg boost killed, which by the way is TWO PLAYERS against you. Why don’t you hate Ana and want her deleted when she is healing your target?

I hate Mercy. Every game that has one on the enemy team - I make sure to make her a priority target always. I hate her mechanics and how much she can get away with, given her mobility, regen on top of support passive.

With that said, no, don’t delete her. Mercy is a character in this game, she has place here, as do her mains. I respect that and will stand against any attempts to delete her or remove her by reworking.

Just learn to work around, it is what makes this game somewhat fun.

Removing Mercy’s ability to go up with super jump would fix most people’s problem with her. It’s ridiculous that she can stay infinitely 100 feet in the air without the help of a dva/pharah/echo.

Hey guess what before Superjump was even a thing she could do that with Pharah, DVA and even Lucio (back when he had his Mt Everest sized aura)

again, the statement was made that a rework is needed

it is a fact that no character needs a rework

my response stands

with this now fully clarified, I wont be responding to this side conversation any further

Please just :shushing_face::shushing_face::shushing_face: you have a genji icon so you must be a genji player no? Just get better or switch to a hero that can kill her easily…

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