Please change Mercy

On a side not, And I don’t even agree with this; but if you care so much about catering to the larger population, Mercy is by far the most popular hero in the game. So by that logic it should make sense that she should also be the funnest and best hero as well.

Once again, I don’t agree with that; but if you wanna talk numbers; most people probably want Mercy to be buffed.

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I thought you wanted Mercy to be balanced, just a second ago.


#2 main healer? out of 3 main healers? Once again cherry picking pretty hard. And is that even true? because your just talking about pick rates. Her winrate is way down.

Mercy’s pretty popular, we shouldn’t balance off her pickrate.

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Her winrate should go back up when her pickrate stabilizes, and people who can’t maintain their rank with Mercy derank.


Is their something wrong with this data? It looks old or shopped or something and doesn’t match what’s currently on Overbuff.

I clearly stated, twice, that I don’t agree with what I was saying. I was more so pointing out the fallacy of arguing based off higher population/popularity.

Same data over here from the original source.

I just trimmed it down and rearranged it for emphasis.

Ah guess I misread.

Either way, I think balancing on pickrate within a given skill tier is pretty accurate.

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Oh, okay, thanks for the answer.

Pity the data is old and not reflecting the current state of the game as the meta is changing. It’s quite an interesting article though and they have a good breakdown. I’d like to see an updated version of their stat analysis.

It’s only a week old, is that not current enough?

I wouldn’t use it in any analysis now as it doesn’t reflect the current state of the game. Things change rapidly in the meta.

Good for historical analysis showing what the game was like a week ago though, which is nice.

I mean, comp hasn’t even been active for the past 2 days. So it’s not like it has changed much.

Looking at the article release dates we should be seeing a new one very soon. :slight_smile:

But she is just as good as Moira/Ans as she is. She just is less forgiving now and needs more coordination to work.

Besides Overbuff is a joke now with private profiles. The data is like less than 1/5 the total playerbase. For all we know she has the highest currently.

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I guess that means we shouldn’t be looking at Overbuff or Omnicmeta for data analysis then.

Makes me wonder how we study what’s actually happening in the game.

I’d rather look at no data than knowingly false data due to being an unrepresentative sample.


It does mean we have no concrete idea what’s actually going on in the meta any more though. Just rumour.

Bingo! Another reason I hate private profiles and think their implementation was a terrible idea.

I can see why they are useful to the individual but aggregated anonymous data gathering shouldn’t be affected by private profiles.

So you need 100% of the data, to have a representative sample?