PLEASE BUFF Widowmaker

Why stop there why not ask for 600 damage body shots…

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shhhh, dont give him any ideas

i say they try a buff tracer thread next, then buff echo again thread and a buff mccree thread. i actually like these sometimes since discussions on heroes that people may consider overtuned.

you fool, a Doomfist main suggesting to buff Mccree? more like another nerf Mccree post

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Uh, hell no? Genji is supposed to counter you.

They do have weaknesses. Making Widow one of them has never been a desire of anyone but you.

Too late. I ask that all the time.

Headshots should be an accessory.



I love how Egryn pretends Reaper doesn’t exist.

dam I thought we let this tread die

or stuns, or poke dmg, or burst dmg

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Or Zen, or Sombra… Zen alone opens the doors to all kinds of options. Sombra outright turns tanks into Ult charge, angering hogs and D’vas who thought this was their domain.

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maybe he’ll just name this post “delete this plz” again when the “genji mains” take over the thread, aint the first time, wont be the last


Right? he says “tanks need weaknesses” but he really means “roadhog needs weaknesses” and is willing to take down the entire tank role down just to have roadhog dead.

He also casually forgets about the existance of various characters that make tanks living hell such as sombra, bastion, junkrat, reaper or echo


This will be my last comment in this thread, let it die. Thanks for everyone’s input. #BuffWidow :purple_heart:

I swear he won’t be happy until there is specifically a butcher character that counters Hog and accidentally Genji.


These suggestions are about a good idea as Hilary Clinton throwing an unsupervised pizza party for orphan children, located in an underground bunker in China.

Actually done. The forums literally have a collective IQ of 3. Never in my life I thought I’d see a post that made me realize Overwatch was a mistake until now


wym? theyre already in the game? CC HEROES

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well she got a skin buff so there is that. snakes!

Someone is just still complaining about roadhog and genji. His problem is simply a git gud one