Please buff Reaper and do something to Bastion

Reaper is fine, kit wise, besides his Shadowstep, that needs to be reworked.

He was buffed by Orisa’s ult or i was discorded i only remember getting shot once and dying instantly when i had 420 health

I’m kinda the opposite of OP, no idea what to do with Reaper, but have lots of Bastion ideas… Here’s a link for anyone that cares.

Don’t take that as a “Don’t buff Reaper” though, that’s not what I was going for… I just don’t know what he needs…

K well it has changed… slightly, still…

He is pretty close bruh, difference from him and the lowest:


Reaper is not “fine” has never been, hes always been over-shadowed by a character or another, (season 1 was experimental, s2 Ana was overpowered , alot of other characters were overnerfed and it was still somewhat experimental) RH in S3-S6 , Junkrat in S6-S9 (Reaper was useful in maybe 2-3 portions of KOTH maps) and now Brigitte/Hanzo makes him completely obsolete even in those portions, its so obvious it hurts, he just gets out-cooldowned, how the heck can a character who has only ONE useful cooldown , RNG-based damage and one of the worst ultimates in the whole game be deemed “fine” is beyond me.

In that sense hes very comparable to McCree, difference being McCree has descent medium range and his damage is not rng based nor halved by armor and even still, McCree has a better ultimate and a better cooldown, both can at the VERY least be used for reloads while Reaper cant really use em for nothing… and again , Medium range > short range (no mobility) and McCree and Ana are demeed unoptimal characters, imagine what Reaper is then.


Out of these 4 things here , 2 of em and hes gucci:

Shadow Step:

No longer has a startup cast time, instead, the initial… targetting phase , the one where… you target… stuff… counts towards the total “cast-time” , as in, when you press E, much like when scoped in for a sniper shot, Reaper gets slowed down by idk… 30-40%, letting out smoke from his body and again, much like a scoped shot, the ability starts “charging” upping its range capability, starting from 7, all the way to 35 meters, in a 2 seconds time, after then pressing the button, Reaper instantly vanishes, but he does not appear at the destination, there is STILL a 1 second delay wich you can see where hes going to pop from and a .5 second animation where he is vulnarable to getting shot at, if cancelled he would just uncross his arms and the ability would go on a 2 s cooldown, there still is a sound Q in both the start and the finish, obviously i’d like for them to look at how janky this ability is when trying to target things… but y’know, one thing at a time, it is prolly the side-effect from all those “Unintended Locations” fixes…

Wraith Form:

Mostly okay, tho if anything i’d increase the uptime to 4 seconds so that it lasts enough for him to cover the distance Shadow Step can cover, (33 meters)… Other than that if nothing else changes and for some reason they go all in on the ability, it COULD have a resource meter so you are not punished as much by cancelling it early but still cant be used abusedly, either way, as i said, i wouldnt like for them to put all of the fruits in one basket.

Hellfire Shotguns:

Its hitscan acts in a way that alot of the time you just get robbed of your kill since more often than not you dont get any headshot damage, for more details go here : Reaper's spread is binary - #34 by Morningstar-12853 , making it actually give you critical damage when it sthould would help him…

Other than that, a spread decrease so ur RNG is not as bad, 'round 20% or so and halving the pellet count and doubling their damage so hes aprox. 35% better against armor is also a good idea.

Death Blossom:

One of the worst ultimates in the game, its alot like Rocket Barrage but just does way less damage and has no range, making it more unsafe, afterall Pharah can use it from cover way more often than Reaper can and Barrage is still a lackluster ultimate so… ya, pretty bad, as for what i’d want to see from it, well, 2 out of these 3 things :

  1. Less charge required (1850 → 1500)
  2. 30 more dps and 2 more meters in range (170 dps → 200 dps) , (8 meters → 10 meters)
  3. Add fall-off to it but increase dps significantly. (340 dps at 2.5 meters range, 40% decrease each 2.5 meters.)

Assuming I’m understanding them right, those look pretty good… A concern I have with shadow step (just in general, not yours) is that it can be pretty easy to make it uncounterable… He should definitely have at least something that lets you know what he’s doing. If he were completely sneaky, I think it would be a bit too oppressive… I like yours though, it addresses that pretty well from what I can tell.

As for the shotguns, I didn’t know that’s how they worked, that’s really strange… Yeah, if those were fixed too, that would probably be a nice fix for him as well.

Again, I don’t play Reaper, so I’m not really in a position to say what he needs (I can’t even count the number of people that have like 2 hours on Bastion, and think he’s just fine where he is…), but those look good to me. Perhaps some changes to Wraith and Death Blossom as well, but his teleport and guns seem to be his issue to me…

Yeah you got that right, even without playing Reaper much, Wraith is mostly okay, Death Blossom as bad as it is, at least it has 1 or 2 uses but his damage being so random and his range being so poor without any way past it nor any other utility is what definetly makes him bad.


Also why “E” needs to be reworked or fixed - because this ability pretty rng. I mean, “I wanted to TP there, not THERE, dammit!” or “Ugh, those freaking fences, man! Can I TP already?!”, - it’s familiar, yes?

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Reaper doesn’t need a buff especially in a meta where tanks are struggling so much as it is

Yea thas one of the biggest reasons tbh, design wise, this ability is really problematic for the Devs but since they literally gave the same ability to Symmetra it might not get reworked for that reason alone…

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Reaper is struggling just as much bruh, for much of the same reason, Brigitte and Hanzo, even after both of these get in line Reaper will still needs something to allow him to exist past 1-3 maps.

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Buffing characters isn’t a solution just because other characters are to powerful. Not only the player base needs to learn this but blizzard themselves.

Thats not the reason Reaper needs buffs, he is just trash, has always been, these past buffs were just things that should have been there to begin with, he still needs 1.5/2 out 4 of his abilities buffed to not be trash, EVEN after Hanzo and Brig get nerfed.



Orisa is just worse into Rein comps and thats all there is now a days so ya, pretty simple, also Armor kinda shafts her dps, same as Rh wich wants to combo with Orisa and there u have it, Brigitte+Rein+Zarya+Hanzo counters Orisa+Roadhog+W/e.

Anyways… wasnt the topic about Reaper and Bastion?

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I posted in the wrong thread…:man_facepalming:

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never saw so much crap in just one post. You just do not know what are you talking about.

You do not even play Reaper. (playtime: 8 minutes)


Reaper doesn’t need buffs besides a tiny spread tighten. He is low key strong as hell in smart hands. Brigitte and Hanzo make Reaper unplayable for a large portion of the playerbase right now. But some players still manage to make him work really effectively.

An example is Spirit who got #1 Rank in the NA on a Reaper 1 trick account. Literally nothing but Reaper and he got the #1 Rank in NA.

Here are some Reaper tips:

  1. Stop using shadowstep for flanking. Use it to cross sightlines unseen. It’s not meant for teleporting directly behind somebody unless you are feeling lucky.

  2. Learn to crouch (silent) walk. This lets you get up close to unaware people without alerting them with your obnoxiously loud footsteps.

  3. Death Blossom isn’t for teamwiping. Don’t be afraid to use it to get rid of a key target or claim man advantage.

  4. On Payload maps, Death Blossom ontop of the Payload during overtime to force enemies away.

  5. Never engage without Wraith.

  6. Teleport can be a viable method of escape. Better trying than just giving up and dying.

  7. Learn each map and study good flanking paths and teleport spots.

3 Reaper players got t500 , oh i guess hes fine, ranked is also the end-all-be-all showing of balance too, nothing is random and 497 other players not playing him for 8 seaons means hes fine, just a slightly tighter spread is definetly gonna make him viable.



He is a strong hero. You just don’t know how to play him well, and demand he gets buffed because you want an easy life killing things.

When Brig gets another nerf or a rework, and Hanzos leap gets a cooldown increase you will see Reaper in a much stronger spot.

The only buff he needs is a spread decrease. Shooting a character like Widowmaker point blank still results with around 30% of the pellets missing.