Please buff Reaper and do something to Bastion

Reaper is fine.
Pickrate =/= unplayable.

We shouldn’t be buffing around pickrates.

Also, you’re complaining about his spread, self heal, teleport, how armor works for everyone, and his ultimate damage.

The only thing I can really see is armor, because it impacts every shotgun hero too sharply but in order to fix that, armor just really needs a rework.

His spread is important because if you hit all the shots, he does quite a lot of damage (140 per shot x2 shots per second for 280 DPS). He isn’t designed to be used at any range over ~10 meters, simply because the falloff is from 11-20 meters which makes each pellet do 2 damage instead of 7, making his damage potential at 40 instead of 140 per shot.

His self heal is fine. If we increase it anymore, he’d be completely viable without healers. Which is not very good for almost any DPS, especially one that does lots of damage with 250 HP. He’d be near unkillable if we increase his health regen more.

The only thing I can see for his teleporter is maybe making him not say “REPOSITIONING” like a madman every time it’s used. Keep the ‘shroud’ kind of sound effect, but remove the screaming portion of it.

Armor needs to be reworked. It also halves the damage of everyone with a shotgun or that shoots a large amount of bullets with little to no damage which includes, hog, tracer, sombra, torb, dva, doomfist, Bastion, Orisa, Winston, Zarya (almost every tank on the roster was mentioned), Moira, Symmetra, and Mercy. Every single one of these heroes has their damage halved or almost halved by armor, making them do nearly nothing against a hero with armor.

His ult is another thing I could get behind. But the main problem with his ult is how much that can stop it, which can be solved by timing and positioning. We shouldn’t buff his damage on it when it’s meant to kill squishies. I mean, it does make no sense that a tank killer like Reaper shouldn’t be able to kill most tanks with his ultimate, but that’s more of an identity issue than anything.

We shouldn’t be talking about how we should buff Reaper, whom would have no impact on the meta or anything at the moment, when we could be talking about someone who stops literally the entire meta that everyone is deeming the worst thing ever, Sombra.

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Of course if we will reduce the spread his dmg need to be nerfed. I’ll buy it.
I am not complaining about all of this. I just wrote possible buffs.

reduce spread to 2 degrees from 3 add headshots. Boom, fixed. It’s old Bastion. If we had to remove things I’d start with his transform speed back to 1.5 like it used to be so he doesn’t just swap in your face but he also retains the tiny bit of help ironclad gives no matter how bad it is. If we had to go all the way I’d do it and remove all sentry buffs for old sentry.


Agree about him might needing possible buffs, but since the meta isn’t in his favor, he just got one a month or so ago, and he isn’t even close to being the least played/lowest winrate hero, we should probably hold off on doing anything remotely major on him for atleast another few months after Symmetra’s release.

What I always thought he could use. Instead of Wraith movement. He’s allowed to wraith through one wall.

He does need changes, but he is not as far off as people say he is. Right now the number one player on the ladder (NA) is a Reaper one trick. Reaper just needs a rework of shadow step. Then he will be in a much better spot.

Bastion needs a way to escape fights more faster. For example while you are in the process of transforming out of turret/tank form, you should be able to move still.

Also please reduce the spread of bastion’s sentry gun. That’s all I’m asking for. Imo they don’t need to bring back headshots in sentry, he already does a lot of damage without headshots

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Lol what?
That’s not possible, rein has plenty of armor which halves his damage.
Nice try.


If both snipers get nerfed and Reaper gets a rework or a buff to teleport he should be fine. Hanzo is just better at everything than him and he isn’t mobile enough to do anything about snipers, which are the meta right now.

My HP was 420… and i was already out of armor and he got me with a single shot everyone even reacted in chat

Master flex (support) player here! I think Reaper can be effective, but his lack of an E is really holding him back. That and maybe something to help him against armor and he’d be fine.

I’m telling you guys: make him taller. It’ll work wonders.

How was your health 420 without armour? Rein has 500 health 200 of which is armour. So if your health was 420 he still couldn’t of one shot you since one head shot would of only dealt 180 damage (assuming all pellets hit the head). You would of had to have 280 or less health for him to take you out with one head shot (and again assuming that all pellets hit).

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Hes the second to lowest, b4 Bastion, Reaper has always been cr4p, no buffs they gave him made him relevant, only season Reaper was viable was the one where every other character was severely nerfed and Ana had over-powered synergy with him, when Ana got changed and Dive became a thing (season 3 and onwards) he became shet.

He obviously needs buffs, but of course you gotta be careful, i dont want any more Hanzo 2.0s so… yeah.

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The only thing I want, would be a faster Shadow-Step and a bit more consistent spread.

It will be good. May be add him alt-fire?

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Where are you even seeing this? When I’m looking at it right now, The order goes as this:

Sombra: .45%/45.24%
Torbjorn: .65%/54.20%
Bastion: .66%/50.06%
Symmetra: .85%/59.98%
Mei: .92%/50.76%
THEN REAPER at 2.17%/50.63%

Your statement just isn’t true at all about Reaper.

Even in GM for this week and month this is a lie.

Once again, Reaper is largely fine.

I have some solutions here: us.forums.blizzard. com/en/overwatch/t/reaper-sucks-here-is-how-to-fix-him/133745/15

I wouldn’t buff reapers damage, more like make him teleport 20% faster so he at least has a chance to escape if he gets spotted by a sniper while teleporting.

And I 100% agree on Bastion, he really, really needs to be reworked next

A good amount of 200hp heroes are medium/long range heroes which counter reaper

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