Please buff Reaper and do something to Bastion

These two heroes have an incredibly low pickrates, especially Bastion. But thing is not only in pickrate - they are pretty weak in general. Symmetra will have Teleport as a common ability soon, so Reapers “E” will be even more… useless.
Reaper’s spread makes him effective only against tanks, because half of this spread do not work against small and even medium hitboxes: we kinda need to touch opponents to have a good dmg, but why do I need it when I have my McCree; and then only if opponents do not have Brigitte, because of armor and her save ability. Please, buff him. Reduce the spread, increase his self-heal, make his Teleport’s usage quiker and on longer range (or rework it), make him effective against armor, buff his ultimate’s dmg to 650, I don’t know, something, but playing him now is pretty fresturating and uncomfortable.

And now, Bastion. I really do not know what we can do with him, but without shields he is dead or useless. Zero ideas.


Waiting for tank mains that say Reaper is fine.


What about Sombra, you didn’t want to include her. My god, I hate all these posts. Stop worrying about Reaper, which in my opinion is balanced, and actually talk about the least played hero in comp with the lowest winrate too. Don’t talk about Reaper at times like this.


Right? The vast majority of those who think that Reaper needs no changes and is a monster are Gold Tank and Support mains. Do they not realize that they don’t have any say in the matter?


To make Tanks lifes even more miserable? plz no.


Reaper is Niche what kind of buffs you want? recently i got a 420HP shot to the face by him as Rein that instakilled me and u want him buffed? lol

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When I playing Sombra, I at least do not want to throw my staff out off a window. I can feel that I doing something useful while playing her.

So your saying she’s balanced. What a joke. Her hack, which is the only thing that makes her viable, is incredibly bugged right now but blizzard doesn’t care right! Let’s just nerf moira for no reason

You will take the same amount of dmg if Blizzard will accept something from my list. I want him to be good against 200 hp heroes too.


He is, he can sometimes one shot 200HP heroes its just that certain heroes are good against him Aka Hanzo and Mccree

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Nope, I did not say that at all.

I’m a tank main and I think he needs a change of E ability to make him okay. Preferably Smoke Bomb.

With new Sym the ability is now completely worthless.

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Agree. His hit box should be a smaller as well.

As I said, only if you will touch the opponents. I am good McCree player, but with Reaper I need 3-6 shots to kill that Widow wich saw me on 8 m range.

Oh, and yes, Reaper’s head is easy to aim.

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Understand me when I say this, I am not trying to say the game should be balanced around death match. However, when they did the ranked death match a short time ago the top 500 was littered with Reapers.

I bring this up just to illustrate that the devs need to be cautious with how they buff him, because his niche is narrow but his tools are strong when the conditions favor him.

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Bastion needs a rework but the problem with reaper is if he was built like the tank buster everyone wants him to be instead of the cqc hero he is now he’d be incredibly op

Reaper can’t do it all folks. I see alot of posts/comments asking for buffs to make him good at literally everything. “I can kill this character easily but not this one, pls BUFF”. I agree his kit is kinda trash but we need to be very careful what we wish for. He’s not THAT bad and if you’re dedicated to this hero you can make it work. I feel like the pickrate argument is just a load of bologna sometimes. People scream from the mountaintops saying stuff that isnt entirely true about reaper and people eat it up. You can feel hes a bit underpowered at times but man hes not absolutely useless

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He is not that bad, yes, but he is not good either. I prefer DoomFist over Reaper, but come on.

He needs something to replace his lacklusted teleport. Something edgy to round out his edgy kit. What about some AoE move that creates shadowy tethers along the ground where he stands that reduce the movement speed of nearby enemies and has ramping up DoT damage against enemies who continue to stand too close.

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that would punish not so mobile heroes more than they already are especially with that whole wraith movement speed buff YOIKES