Please buff Doomfist

I rarely ever care about balance changes but oh my god my main/most favorite hero is worth less than garbage.

I can’t do rollouts because of all the “HmmMM…HmMMm…HAAAA!” and “HEee…HAaaee…YAAAAA” basically, he is loud as hell.

I can’t perform a basic slam uppercut combo without getting “stunned, hacked, slept, graved, shattered,”

I can’t dodge most enemy shots because of my enormous hitbox that is bigger than a Zarya’s.

I can’t use a slam without getting booped by a Lucio into a Reinhardt charge/Mccree highnoon.

I can’t go in without a Zarya bubble or cover fire from my Ashe because i would just get melted.

I can’t PLAY. THE. GAME.


Learn to adapt then.


lol no.

20 characters

Might be interesting if Doom got some knockback resistance.

Also I think it’s dumb that Ashe has any knockback outside of close range.


There is no learning to adapt. He does actually need buffs. He’s in a bad state.


Yeah, no, he doesnt, hes quite good actually


doom is far from being dumpster but also far from being optimal , you can make him work if your good enough but you’ll have a much easier time with ashe or widow


all he needs is uppercut revert and bug fixes to become good


Stop playing Doomfist OTP when countered. :clown_face:

These two are ults.

Considering you want counter immunity. Let him be garbage.

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Could you imagine if DF was scrawny and was able to do everything he does. :rofl:


Or just nerf all of his 19 counters :slight_smile:

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No one said that LMAO.

We literally want one buff for doomfist.


One minuscule buff for doomfist. It’s closer to QoL than a real buff

In all fairness you can’t really buff away most of these issues. These are more problems with the characters design than anything else.

Yes. I just made a post about it too , as much as people hate some characters they still deserve to be playable while not being meta.

We literally want one minor buff/revert.

Uppercut recovery decreased from 0.35 to 0.2 seconds.
We don’t want him to be meta, this change isn’t even big it just makes him more fluid and more fun.


I’m in the same boat as you, pal. Bastion isn’t any better


godspeed (20 characters)

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Get rid of his uppercut shot gun combo, and then buff him.

Make him barely like brig, not a one shot bot. He is either oppressive or useless. No where in between.

uh what. Sure mate nerf Rocket punch to 200 HP and reduce the charge time to 1 second.
Revert uppercut to 0.2 second recovery.
Increase slam distance to 18 meters.

Doomfist either needs his cheap rocket punch kills ( which are easy to avoid btw use strafe keys) or the combo. What do u want him to do if not the oneshot, pet briggite’s cat?

Friendly reminder that widow oneshots 200 hp heroes every 0.75 second ( Not saying widow is easy or anything). So you dying to a glorified reinhardt charge pin shouldnt be much of a problem.

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