Please buff ana

I love ana, she is a great healer, but i just wish blizz will pay more attention to her and give her something to help her out a little


I’ve been putting a lot of time into her lately, and it’s pretty painful. People just won’t leave her alone. I think that’s why so many healers are gravitating to Moira and Mercy now. They can get away.


She really needs vertical mobility of some sort — something that’ll allow her to jump up onto a ledge above or get out of the way from a push. Perhaps maybe borrow a pair of wrist rockets from her daughter to boost her up.

She also needs a self heal of her own — something that’ll free her up to grenade someone other than herself. Perhaps give her rifle the ability to heal her a few hp’s per unspent cartridge when she reloads.

I hope it happens. I really do.

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Yes please, we need this😁

Jelly needs this😂

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Yeah you’ll find most solo ults are reserved especially for you. People like that you have no mobility and rely on poor DOT to live. Meteor Strike may be a bad ult, but DF’s know that, and for that they reserve it for Ana alone generally. At least he has that guaranteed value in it.

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Yeah, Ana’s harder to play than any other healer but weaker than any other healer even if you know how to play her. It’s ridiculous.

GIve her regen.
Give her more healing. It’s ridiculous that Moira who is VASTLY more forgiving also heals more.
Give her SOMETHING she can do about flankers (and not that ridiculous unusable sleep dart that even pros only hit 1/8th of the time with).

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yeah I would like to see that

She is such an easy target to kill.
She should always try to stay near her team which isn’t easy since most of the heroes are much faster than her.

Her damage is also affected the most by armor as each of the 4 ticks is reduced making her hit for 50 against armor. Really feels like she needs her 80 damage back with Brigitte on the horizon for Comp.