Lowest support win% is Ana, what would you change about her?

So keep this short and sweet. Thoughts on adding a small pushback effect on Ana’s grenade? Nothing like Junkrat or Lucio, but something to maybe get her out of tight spots near enemies and/or teammates?

If no to the push back, what about a movement speed buff/debuff on her grenade?
Let me hear what you all think! Thanks!

  • Give her a movement ability (like letting her grapple on to walls 3 times)
  • Self sustain/heal (every shot hit would be like 5-15 HP)
  • 80 damage back
  • nano speed buff

Vertical movement and self healing.

I’d just delete her from the game and hope that another better Support fills the empty spot in the future.

I’m tired of arguing with people and fighting for Ana to be in a better spot, especially when she hasn’t shown any signs of significant improvement on Console.

Have her die to a heart attack or something already, it’s not like she does anything significant in lore anyway.

80 damage return to make up for the lack of front loaded damage.
Combo pierce + old heal buffer with a small heal buffer on each target that’s pierced.
Give some form of vertical movement, even if on a long cooldown to allow her to better fulfill the sniper role.

  • Nano gives +50% dmg, +50% dmg resistance, +50% healing
  • Shave 2 secs off sleep dart CD
  • Some sort of small self heal (My favorite idea is every time she reloads, she gets 1 hp for all the leftover bullets. Great for poke dmg but not gamebreaking)
  • Mouse Wheel Nano Selection (You can select a target with the mousewheel and regardless of who you’re looking at, it will autoselect that target with you Q. Allows for self-nano as well)
  • Damage threshold of 25 for slept enemies to be woken up
  • 75 damage primary fire

  • 15-20% speed on ult (it’s so bad rn)

  • 2s off sleep cd

Vertical Mobility, a better Self Heal or a Ghillie Suit Passive.
I’m good with any of these.

100 health 100 armor to increase her survivability
adding damage treshhold to sleep dart so enemies won’t wake up from 0.1 dmg

Vertical mobility, so she can use all those delicious sniper spots that are supposed to be able to be utilized by snipers that blizzard took painstaking effort to craft to ensure their level of visibility for all 3 of their sniper named Widowmaker.

Seriously though they may as well have given her an SMG if they’re not going to giver her any way to access vantage points.

last time i read a moira main say this about ana:

“haha, silly, ana is just for the people who want to have it harder for personal reasons, she shouldnt have more reward than moira.
not all people are willing to learn how to aim and be surpassed by her, so shes ok”

pretty vomit inducing if you ask me since i think too her players deserve a lot more than lose to the easiest healer in the game who has 2 different ways of self healing and free “delete your mistakes” button each 6 seconds