Please blizz give us trying comp players

at this point in this game blizz you have to give us comp players in bronze a chance to climb…

We should not lose 20 points when a player leaves on your team and you should not win 20 points if a player leaves… there are people truly trying to climb and having leavers screw them over on a constant basis…


Comp community is trashcans and also runs the game. This is my shocked face.


Don’t bother, ranks are a joke anyways, people in Dia play like Silvers.

People don’t take Competitive Play seriously because ranks are a mess, and every match is algorithmically handicapped.

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That is only an opinion and in no form a fact

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Lmao if you cant climb out of your own u deserve ur rank

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Fact: the more you play the more your paired with people who play less.

Why do they play less? Opinion: they care less.
Because they play less : not as skillful.

That’s not a fact, prove it

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20 characters………………

Why are you tagging me here?

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I think I’ve watched your gameplay before. You are one of the players you whine about constantly you play worse than most bronze players I’ve seen

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Because not everyone knows how a ranking system works.

The more you play the more certain the ranking system has identified you. Once that’s achieved it’s pairs you with more uncertain individuals (to make them more certain).


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When the player base is healthy and vibrant (it currently is not) then the game matches you correctly based on its certainty.

In an environment as unstable as current Overwatch, the system has less certainty of the player base as a whole and therefore cannot function as accurately as intended.

  • Which is effectively what I’ve been saying for over a year now.

Whoa folks - did you just catch that? It sounded like we’re on the same page.

If the system is not working as intended for a whole year are the ranks accurate?

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So why waste your time making this comment?

The same reason you did the same making this post

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So me trying to make the game better for everyone is the same as your completely irrelevant comment? I didn’t attack anyone, yet you come on here and say I’m the worst bronze player ever. Your logic makes a lot of sense.

You specifically said bronze players.

And by trying to make the game better “give us trying comp players” is not very constructive.

I never said that.

Yours does too, I’m sure now that you made a post saying “give us trying comp players” blizzard will now suddenly give you better teammates. Here’s a tip: be that better teammate instead of asking for them

If you want to climb out of bronze, drop your discord and we can do some coaching sometime but only if you will listen to my advice.


I mean…. I’ve been highlighting unbalanced match making due to degraded player base for over a year already.

  • It’s simple math really.

Only recently have the rigged bandwagoneers started trying to claim this. And a year ago, plenty of players (on both sides of the argument) were telling me I was wrong.

  • k

Relative to the areas where the player base is generally larger. If you’ve managed to climb or maintain rank in the current environment, the argument could be made that there’s less competition to correctly match you against.

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I am told I’m throwing for not picking the tank the dps want. Maybe its not so objective.