Please blizz give us trying comp players

after I climb from below 500 I’ll get up to 1200+ and then i am placed with people who never played or haven’t played in comp in a while and that’s when my droping begins. Ik cause they’ll say in chat. its crazy

Same, they say it in passing and sometimes their profile is unlocked and I see for myself.

And let me be clear, it’s fine that they play. They paid $20, just like the rest of us.

But for “hard-core”, why can’t hc play with hc? That’s like putting a soft core Diablo player paired with a hc player, and the soft core rushes into the room like leeroy jankins.

Funny you say that, Overwatch actually has a system for this in place. It’s called competitive! More serious players trend upwards while casual players inhabit the average and below ranks.


It’s only been a mess since Cuthbert stopped playing Overwatch

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Is there proof of this ’ algorithmically handicapped.

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There isn’t, he just likes spamming the forum with his copium because he sucks =]