Please be kind to Symm mains while their hero is reworked

I highly agree with this. Symmetra is my main, and I love her deeply. My friend is a Symmetra main as well. He is highly concerned about the lock on being changed, while I am unsure what to think of that at the moment. The changes are huge, and I’m slightly worried. Though, I think understanding from non-Symmetra players will be helpful in this

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Yet the moment something threatens Tracer, it gets nerfed on PTR.

The drastic changes though warrant a new hero, not the destruction of an old one.

I am not talking about gameplay. I am talking about the rework that was just shared.

what are you referring to

It is by far the most drastic rework they’ve done. But let’s be honest, without changing her primary fire Symmetra was never going to be good. It was necessary to make her not a troll pick. And the changes to the turrets make them quite a bit stronger.

I do think they could have left shield generator alone though. That was probably the best part of her kit. It would have left something to anchor her to her old self.

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ok yeah if they are playing badly on the new sym i will tell them to switch i dont understand the confusion

Look it’s off topic, but Baguettes stun lasted long enough for her combo to kill her before she came to. It was nerfed inside of 24 hours on initial PTR release before the community even found out about it.

God, i feel like some of these changes are gonna shake up the meta more than they thought baguette was.

Recharging a gun on shields?
Exploding high speed murder ball?
Teleporting between two points to help give your team a tactical advantage? (Not to mention the fact that this’ll give her some form of mobility)
Gun changed into a wide beam with even higher damage? (65/130/195 with 2 second ramp between levels, wowee wow wow)
Projectile turret placement?
Fewer, more powerful turrets WITH HEALTH??
An infinitely wide barrier ult with 5000 hp?

Sign me the heckie up.

They moved her out from support but dang she’s gonna be better at it than she ever was.


That is fair. I am asking that UNTIL that rework is released for us to play, we shouldn’t invalidate the frustrations that some Symm mains have about this. :slight_smile:

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As I said previously, I managed to get into Diamond with her. Her primary fire was perfectly fine and decent, you needed to know when to pressure with advantage of a ramped up microwave gun, and when to bait and back off.

Exactly, there is no core Symmetra in these changes. Anyway, early days and I cbf working myself up over it. At the end of the day, feedback or not, blizzard do whatever the hell they feel like.

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a bunch of people knew about it, but idk, balancing in this game is bad it was a mistake to have a poster girl

I hope she doesn’t become the next Nerfcy.

P.S. I’m so hyped for this rework though. If I was a Symmetra main I’d be so excited she looks so strong and much more impactful. With a playmaking tool.

Because she was being moved to defense, her primary fire had to be more powerful. Otherwise she’d be a poor DPS hero. But to do that really necessitated removing the auto aim. It was an essential part of the rework.

I do wish they left shield gen though. The other changes sound pretty strong to me. I think she’ll be a lot more powerful after this. I know it’s rough to go through, but it will make her less niche and people will get a lot less flack for playing her. She might even see professional play which she hasn’t seen yet since OWL started.

The changes are scary, but also I hope people can also see them as exciting.

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Please treat sym mains like the maladroit vagabonds that they are :slight_smile:

I understand what you are saying, but what I am saying is that this change is like doing an alteration to how Mercy heals say, she has to now aim as accurately as Ana.

This isn’t a rework, it’s a new hero. What players have been wanting is a low skill ceiling hero to be capable of putting up a fight against greater skilled players.

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I agree that it is drastic enough to make that a fair opinion.

This is not what people want at all. People have been flooding the forums lately saying that Blizzard has been lowering the skill required in the game too much. People don’ want any more low skilled heroes. The want to increase the skill in the game.

Her shield being her ult sounds awful.

It’s an infinitely wide shield with 5k health, though.

In the pro scene and top 10% I agree, but I’ve seen otherwise outside of that.