Please be kind to Symm mains while their hero is reworked


TL;DR: Be kind to Symm mains who may be frustrated by this change, because their hero is being DRASTICALLY changed - so some, naturally, may NOT be in support of these changes

When any change is made to a hero, there are always going to be divides amongst the community that mains that hero.

Objectively speaking, this rework for Symmetra that we have had shared with us is the most intense rework of any hero so far. She’s having EVERY aspect of her kit reworked.

Symmetra Rework: Defense or Support? - you can locate Geoff’s post there

What we know so far about this current iteration (that is subject to change):

  • Primary fire will be a straight beam - no longer a lock-on - but longer and higher damage ramp-up
  • Turrets being reduced to 3, but have 30 HP and can be projected forward to latch on to other areas outside of Symm’s reach
  • Turrets deployed move in a slow, straight line
  • Teleported being moved to E with lower HP, and can teleport objects within a short window of time
  • Shield barrier removed
  • Photon Barrier is her ultimate, though it works as a static wall with 5000 HP

These are massive, my friends. Every part of her kit, of her entirety are being changed.

Naturally, some are going to be pumped, and others are going to be concerned. They came to love the hero, and that hero is being drastically altered. All I am asking from for the forums is to be respectful. Even if we may feel that these changes are for the better, there are those who have valid feelings and opinions that do not support it because their hero is being changed far from what they came to love.

:slight_smile: Just please keep that in mind. No one is right or wrong when it comes to this - because feelings are subjective and no one’s opinions regarding the rework are wrong. I think it’s natural to feel frustrated by this, and our instinct reaction is to tell people, “No, it’s better this way. Stop complaining!” - which isn’t helpful.

Let them vent, friends. Let people share their feelings. They have a right to be frustrated and concerned. I sure as heck would be! And if you are pumped for these changes - awesome! Your views are TOTALLY valid, too!

:smiley: Have a nice day. ily. You are worth a lot and no one can replace you. :heart:


As someone that likes re-works and huge balance changes in general to shake things up, I’m hype!

As a Sym main with roughly 200 hours on her, removing the lock-on and shield health given worries me. She sounds like a completely different character at that point.


I really wish they weren’t removing her lock on, we already have Zarya for straight-beamage

But, hopefully people read your post and are respectful to us Sym mains. As also a Mercy main, I cannot tell you how anxious this makes me. I do not want another Nerfcy.


I agree. I do not play her myself, but I don’t think anyone can reasonably deny that these are REALLY big changes.

I just want to reach out and remind people, that frustration and concern is a natural response to something like this! And instead of invalidating people, and telling them not to be concerned is…really not helpful :stuck_out_tongue:

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This sounds amazing. I might actually play Symmetra now.


As a Mercy main to the worried Sym mains, don’t worry so much!

At first Mercy felt like a completely different character but as time goes on, you start to get used to the changes and learn to accept them for who they’ve become…

Until they get nerfed 8 times in a row and you want your old character back.


Hey, this is definitely some people’s cup of tea! Some people are probably going to play her now that her mechanics are being reworked.

There are also going to be some people who liked the mechanics she has now, and are not thrilled about it.

I am glad you are excited for them! :slight_smile: I hope you can understand why some people might not be, too!

Well I’m not even a main. I played the hell out of her first rework and managed to get into high diamond. I felt she was great against heros like Genji and Tracer.

The rework direction feels like it’s an intentional nerf to ensure the flankers retain superiority.

Honestly it should be an entirely new hero, leaving Sym as is.


I do agree, let’s all be civil about this, let’s not just argue and go crazy, we’re not cave men…


Awwww I love this thread :heartpulse: as a Symm main (I’m sorry!) I love this


Oh yeah absolutely. I’m sure Sym mains aren’t too privy to a second rework to begin with, it’s horrible having your hero changed so much. Hopefully it’ll play out well in practice though.

The thing that gets me is her beam change. It’s downright sucky to be killed through walls and objects, I hope the beam is going to be similar to Moira’s. I feel like it would make Symmetra more busy. I don’t play her a lot because she feels like once her job is done (setting up turrets) she just…sits there and fires aimlessly.

But again that’s from someone who doesn’t play her, lol. Let’s hope it pans out without broken mechanics.

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I don’t know so much about dive. I don’t think they’re intentionally nerfing her to benefit dive. They’ve been tuning heroes a lot, and a lot of them have been components of the dive meta. So I don’t think there is too much favoritism (anymore lol)

My general consensus is to wait and see. Because Geoff did mention that these are likely to change because these are early iterations! :slight_smile:

I’m concerned about the autolock removal because I know that for some handicapped people they play her BECAUSE of that autolock and removing it may make it harder for them to play and enjoy the game


I understand. The early iterations are indicative of the direction they’re moving her however. A direction I personally don’t like.

Got a skilled Genji smurf? I switch to Symmetra and the problem goes away. Reworking so far shows me that even her primary fire won’t be the same, so who knows how to track a crazy double jumping pro Genji smurf, unless you’re a smurf yourself?

I know it’s early days, I’m just not hopeful for this change. It sounds like she is being reworked closer to a barrier version of Mei. Really unoriginal.

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Definitely. Even beyond handicap, sometimes people just like that aspect about her because it takes the pressure off of aim, and more about strategic thinking and placements of her turrets! It’s definitely something people like about her :slight_smile:

Hey, your concerns are 100% valid! I hope I didn’t make you feel otherwise. It’s definitely a good speculation and concern to have, especially because - like you said - she’s a fair answer to Genji and Tracer.

I definitely don’t want them to be rampant. :slight_smile: And I do hope that we have this same communication and discussion as we go, because it’s important. Your concerns are REALLY valid! And I’m right here with you if things go South!

If they do keep the autolock, they need to either A) make it work like Moira, where some tracking is required, or B) remove it’s ability to stay locked through walls/out of range. They’d also need to bring the damage back down.

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Exactly, but it feels like the pros are pushing all hero play to revolve around skill ceilings. ie: great hitscan or predictive ability.

I appreciated the turret heros, Blizzard seem to not want to make the builders viable, and that’s shown in the early iterations of Sym’s re-work. Her actual core function is being taken away.

Like to me, this is a bigger deal than the Mercy re-work. This is actual destruction of a hero.


I totally understand why you’d be apprehensive. I’m usually on the end of hating reworks. I tend to romanticize the old kit and what was lost.

But in this case, I am pretty hyped. I’ve always hated Symmetra and those changes make me want to play her. They sound really cool to me.

I’m excited, but also apprehensive because it sounds like she’s going to be another tank killer and I’m a tank main. Still, I think this will be a good. Sym won’t be stigmatized anymore.

no i will not give people a safe space if they are playing like crap imma tell them to switch

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