Please answer the pleas of Symmetra mains

I consider a 56% winrate op on a decent pick a bit much

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Of course you don’t. It makes you less serious to talk to. If the majority thinks it, then there is an issue. The majority thinks Bastion is being ignored, and there is no way you can say he isn’t.

Again, he’s still littered with bugs. He needs to be ironed out.

I pride myself on situational awareness, and I do my very best to stay out of DF’s punch path, but more often than not I’m either punched into a wall, slam + uppercut with no control of my movement while DF shoots me to death, I gotta say… I’m not too terribly concerned right now, he appears to be quite effective.

Not to mention, I obviously side step the punch, only to be punched anyway. /shrug

If he’s bugged, I’d say his detrimental bugs probably break even with his beneficial bugs.

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:wave: anyone, no?

You need a 665th post in the thread? Count me in!

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Literally this

Like ppl need to learn this is a team based game

Primary literally means “main” or “first”. There is no semantic because her MAIN fire was changed. Her LMB is actually now her secondary, which I don’t believe was intended.

Regardless, LMB is no longer her primary. Her orbs are. This would be like Soldier having no CD on his rockets, but they only do 50 damage each and faster travel time, BUT his primary now only does 5 damage per shot that racks up to 10 damage after 9 bullets (only if the shots hit a target), and then gets bumped up to 20 damage per bullet 3/4 of the way through his clip, you wouldn’t see people use his primary anymore because it would become useless.

Situational primaries and secondaries are fine on heroes like Mei and Roadhog who have SURVIVABILITY, but NOT a hero like Symmetra who is just a sitting duck. Also, both of the previous heroes have an advantage over Symm that they stun their targets when being put into close range. Symm just has to hope she can kill the target in 4s before they kill her with no form of heal or damage reduction like the other two. If she had an ability like either of the two, she would be in a much better spot. Or if TP was reliable enough for her to actually BE aggressive.


Slight correction. Her LMB is now her tertiary. Calling it her secondary means you are either forgetting about her sentries or her orbs, both of which far out damages the live version of the LMB over the course of a game.

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Can’t stop won’t stop

You must not plat him enough then. The majority of my punches don’t land when they clearly hit the player against the wall. Wanna know what really happens? They slide. Slide right against the wall. All because of a bug that makes it so if they jump, they survive. Makes no sense.

Admittedly, I do not. I suck with him. I haven’t gotten the ability cadence down, the flow, in order to do the damage and get back out to survive.

I enjoy him in Total Mayhem, but that’s because his kit is very forgiving in that mode. On regular mode, I find myself getting stuck after combos, and basically just end up as a free kill.

Maybe it’s because I play him in TM, and I don’t expect him to one shot kill anyone due to the doubled hp/shield/armor, I don’t notice it. Sucks though if you’ve got a sure thing lined up, only for someone to abuse the glitches to survive.

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That’s the biggest issue with DF as of now. The fact that his victims slide against a FLAT wall when they should have died, shows you how busted his mechanics are and need to be fixed

Okay. So the charge rate has been addressed. How about we look at survivability now?

There are a ton of suggestions including overcharging to replenish her shields up to 250 HP with her primary.

They could even bring back her old personal Photon shields that belonged to Sym 1.0 via the interact button or by using her TP. The plus side of the TP would be that it would encourage people in a quickplay to actually use the TP.

Personally I think the best thing to do would be bring back old Shield Gen. Make an alternative ULT while still allowing Sym to get ULT charge but only for a wall. Or, as an alternative to using the TP. This would allow Sym to return more to her chess play and allow for some sneaky Shield Gen spots when paired with the new TP to support herself and her team.

The easier things of course would be just to give her 50 more HP in line with other close contact heroes and a faster deploying TP.


Omg, if they brought back somthing like the old Shield gen i would just fall in love all over again, honestly that was one of my fav things about her kit… Thing is are we wasting our time hoping they will do something? It has taken this long just for them to make her Primary fire from 4 seconds to 3.2 and even so that is a tiny step. At this rate it’s gonna take a year or two…

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I think it’s pretty evident that Symmetra is lacking in the longevity department.

Previously, we had mechanics available to us to lengthen our life span, even if by just a little. Avoiding ults, burst damage, and CC abilities by utilize our Photon Shield. That was a spiffy mechanic, that in my opinion, should be brought back.

It wouldn’t fix the problems that Symmetra still has, but it would go a long way to shoring up the gap as an exceedingly squishy character. The thing that I wonder about… We get lumped in with Torbjorn all the time due to the turret mechanics both character possess. I see that Torb lost his ability to bolster others armor with armor packs, but retained the ability ‘on demand’ tied to his Molten Core.

I’m curious why that same mechanic wasn’t offered to Symmetra, even if on a temporary basis. Why do we have no way of bolstering our survivability on demand like Torb has? He used his armor packs previously for this, and the Devs knew it, so they mitigated the loss of the armor packs by giving Torb a mechanic that replicated it.

I think we should really ask for some kind of “get out of jail” card that can be used both offensively and defensively. Whether it be a bolstering of shields, some kind of ‘lunge’ ability like Hanzo has (think surfing a hard light disc away 6m) or even an overload mode like a ‘Photon Capacitor’ that could store up a burst of photon shielding, or energy to knock back opponents would even be nice.


The charge buff feels nice but it’s not enough. If you want Sym to excel in a niche, like tank busting, you’re gonna have to give her a kit that lets her do that. This tickrate is holding her back. The only tanks she is not hindered against are Zarya and Roadhog unless they already have armour from Brig.


Omg, so many likes on this amazing post. And so many comments… How on earth do Blizzard ignore this? They commented on a Brig post about shield bash and that only had about 100 comments, where are the Devs here? Do they not notice us?


If you check #1 thread on this forum, with highest amount of likes, it’s still ignored.


;( They only read what they wanna read. They don’t care wut the community has to say… Symm is so in need of help…


The Pros play Brig. The Pros don’t play Sym so why should they care?

If Zarya had a beam issue with tickrate that would have been fixed immediately. Sym. Nah.

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