Please answer the pleas of Symmetra mains

can he tho?

stun duration is 0.75 and mccre firerate is 1 shot every 0.5s,

he wouldnt be able to finish them off even if he lands a headshot in time

In what way? Do you simply disagree? Disagreeing with an analogy does not mean I’m trolling.

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I get flashbanged and have the hammer fanned on me all the time. It’s definitely not less used than Sym’s Primary.

I get that, but that’s literally the meaning of “Primary Fire” lol


“Primary fire” is just terminology to refer to your weapon’s fire mode that is bound to LMB. You can swap what LMB and RMB do and call her orb her primary fire. It’s a semantical argument at best.

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It possible. He gets a head shot on them then fires a second shot before they can react. It just take a lot of skill.

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Nah. You’re gaslighting Sym mains. If you’re swapping her primary and secondary fire there’s a problem with her kit.


Your experiences differ greatly from mine, then. I very rarely get FTH’d or see people do it to others. The preferred approach is to generally go for the headshot with primary fire for 200hp targets (depending on which one).

But her alt fire is really good almost too good.

Heroes with movement abilities can escape before the second shot. Especially higher HP targets like reaper or mei are basically impossible to kill unless wraith form or cryofreeze are on cooldown.

20mps orb that doesn’t pierce and can be easily dodged. It’s good. It’s not too good.

Also takes a second to charge. And can’t be held.


Hold on. So you’re saying that we should keep Sym’s primary fire since Mccree’s FTH is situational even though there are people who want it replaced? This isn’t even taking in account that FTH is more useful.

I would say the only reason it’s bound to LMD is because it’s more convenient for tracking based weaponry since it’s what other heroes with hitscan will likely do. I don’t believe the button mapping in any way signifies that the fire mode is intended to be used the majority of the time, though.

We can agree to disagree on that one. If you look, all tank primarys are short range, all secondarys are long, for an OPTION. I believe they do imply use-case even aside from the literal meaning of the word.

All it needs is slightly less charge time and more base damage and it would be used all time.

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He can fire again before they can react.

I’m saying that I think sym’s primary fire is fine and that it’s situational. When questioned about it being situational I provided an analog to another move in the game (FTH) to show that there are weapon fire modes in the game that aren’t used all the time.

The tick rate letting armor screw it over could be another route, or way to tweak it.

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I would not complain about that. Armour screws her over so bad.

Using FTH isn’t a very good analogy since it goes against your argument.

What do you have to justify her primary fire?

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