Please answer the pleas of Symmetra mains

Although it is good. Not being as good as pharah’s rockets does not in any way make it not good.

I don’t think anyone is saying they aren’t good

They are decent, just decent and definetly not enough to be her only mode of fire

It’s not her only mode of fire. Her primary isn’t good, but it is functional and has uses albeit rarely.

Honestly, why play her at all as long as this CC Sniper Fest continues?

Very very rarely. Overall her gun is a big issue. Her primary should be making up where the orb lack but they don’t

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The thing about properly balanced niche picks is that they can still put pressure on the enemy team if used skillfully. Symmetra cannot do that because she is easily hard-countered into oblivion.

She does need buffs. Just speed/range buffs. Nothing like a drastic or crazy rework again.

12m for her sentries
24mps-28mps for her alt fire
2 seconds for teleport (not 3 seconds)
.5 seconds to deploy for her sentries (not 1 second)
maybe increase ammo to 80 (but keep her primary fire 10% ammo per second still)

She’s almost viable in this fast paced game. If something that should be quick (or is slow to deploy) takes 1 second or more to actually activate it better have a serious effect like Blizzard or Self-Destruct. Otherwise it’s worthless.

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You know what that statement reminds me of? That is basically the same thing they said about Sym 2.0. That she was functional, on the rare occasions when the map suited her on defense. That necessitated an entire rework to her character in order to make her more effective on more maps, right?

So by that same line of thinking, wouldn’t that also necessitate a fix to her primary fire, so that it’s more useful in more situations?

I mean, if we’re going to go by “Blizzard logic” then we have to be unilateral in its application, correct?

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Yeah lol, it should be an escape ability but setting it down in a fight usually screams “I’M VULNERABLE, KILL ME”


False, other way around. Her secondary combined with her utility make up for he lackluster primary fire.

Agreed on survivability
Her damage is enough
TP could have some work on deploy
Turret’s cooldown is fine. Just don’t throw it randomly and use them wisely.

Not really. What is her utility. To? Sure it’s decetn but it isn’t helping the lack of dps. Ppl don’t use the tp often and she usually has to use it to escape because she’s so vulnerable

IMO her primary needs adjusted
survivability is fine
just primary again, secondary attack is in a good spot
tp is a bit buggy, had it glitch out on the railings in hanamura crossing the gap from obj one to two, an no dont need the animation adjusted, seems fine (she’s not tracer)
an for the amount of dmg turrets do, no

Please explain this one.

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not every character needs a gimmick to survive, there are tanks an healers to support your team.

she has utility to move the whole team via tele, 3 turrets an two attacks along with regen shield for half her health

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Plenty of other heroes could use a little fixer-upper at the moment and frankly I don’t think symmettra is the biggest priority at the moment.

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Every other DPS hero has some sort of defensive / escape ability. Every single one except Symmetra. It’s not a gimmick, it’s something she needs to not be a liability.

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utility require teamwork, thats quite luxury when you meet mostly strangers
3 turrets serve as distraction at most, its not that good on high rank
shield only regen after not taking damage for 3s, what we need is survivability during the fight, not after it

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As a Mercy main, I agree. These are just my personal opinions, it is okay if you disagree with it but:

  1. People shouldn’t be reported/banned by playing Symmetra
  2. I feel like her left click should be changed. When I play her (note: I might just not have enough hours on her competitively), it’s better to use right click 90% of the time. Her previous left click was a lot better for me, I used to to counter high mobility heroes, used it over 50% of the time and felt very impactful, fun to use and hilarious for everyone watching the microwave as a POTG. I miss those.

I do think she needs faster charge time and ONLY faster charge time, but I don’t get it…it hasn’t been that long since she received her buff why are we pretending it has been ages since then and they remained silent?

Lol, she is still considered a troll pick, try playing at least 3 matches in diamond or above with symmetra without being called to switch or called a troll. She is one of the hardest heroes to play right now, still is one of the worst in high ranks.