Please address zenyatta and mercy

Nope, that’s what you’re talking about.

I’m talking about:

Can you please explain why you’re trying to converse with me when we’re talking about different things?
Or will you also ignore this and go on with your narrative, as seems to be the norm?

So the difference is still the same range zens has not range on it but lucios does so like lucio cant leave his team or the loose the buff zen can and fall back and they wont loose the debuff on the tankw we could also talk about mercys healing and damage they have no cool down on top zen has both his debuff and healing up at the same time lucio and mercy cant do that

Damage boost is problematic, always has been but 2 tanks made it less obvious.

Doing damage is one of the most valuable things in OW - all heroes should need to generate their own damage and outside of ultimates there shouldn’t be damage boosts.

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Skill issue

While you nerf support lets nerf all tanks too, drop their health by 200, remove all sorts of stuns from them too.

I see what you’re saying.


there are fundamental differences between speed boost and damage boost which make them interact with the game very differently. Speed boost does not monkey with breakpoints and is way less oppressive.

It’s also exceptionally rare the Lucio’s boosts are effecting more than 1-2 people. OW2 rarely plays clumped up like this in brawl; often times your speed is mostly for the tank and often times your DPS and other support are not in range.

They could even swap Mercy’s damage boost for attack speed boost. You’d see DB’s effectiveness drop considerably in all but the most accurate of ranks.

There’s a reason Lucio often gets used as one of the best examples of balance in the game. Nothing he does is oppressive and if you’re getting dumpstered by Lucio there’s a high chance he’s just out playing you.

Anytime there is a Zen or Mercy in the game, the opposing team’s strategy is eliminate that hero. Yes killing supports is important but if one of them has damage boost it becomes the tank’s engage condition.

This was less of a problem when we had 2 tanks and that is a big reason why. Forcing your single tank’s hand is huge value.

There are a lot of GMs complaining about discord just now. So how far up does “awful” go? Have to be OWL not to be awful and complain about Zen?

Zen is making tanking pretty miserable at all levels all the way to GM.

Its not because I say so it is because dmg boosts simply make balancing the game harder than it needs to be.

Meecy and zen are heroes who can bring one shots back and no one likes 1 shots especially in 5v5.

The fact is characters do get changed due to dmg boosts but when they no longer have the dmg boost they are no where near as good.

Take pharah for example she can fly do good poke dmg however gets shredded by hitscan.

With mercy pharah is very difficult to deal with because the healing makes her hard to kill paired with pharahs mobility and dmg boost allows pharah to kill much faster. Part of the reason why pharah mercy is hated is due to dmg boost.

Removing them is better or simply giving the characters a new ability to either support the team or help that hero kill on thier own would help them whilst not bringing frustrating metas

Sombra was the cure all along.

That is true about any ability that have synergy with something else.

This isn’t a valid reason as to why something shouldn’t be in game, unless you want to turn the game in to bad CoD clone.

So can sleep…
So can any form of hard cc…
so can coordinated focus fire…

Those things also don’t belong in the game right?

You are talking about 2v1 now.

Everything is hard to deal with when you are trying to do it 2v1, and the duo coordinates.

So you want to just delete Mercy and put something different instead.

Yeah, that won’t fly. (pun intended!)

Thats not what i was saying i was using pharah as an example for how dmg boosts have affected heroes in ow.

Pharah has had dmg changes and mercy is to do with it because pharmercy is a powerful synergy. Of course there are probably more.

Also you are assuming i meant delete mercy.

No i never asked for them to be deleted but for discord orb and dmg boist to be removed and replaced with something else.

Supports are there to support there teams but dmg boosts are not the way there are many forms of utility a support can have whether its heals speed buffs even dr can work for a support or overhealth.

For example mercy

Dmg boost could be replaced with a new ability like an aoe heal or giving some dr for example or if we are talking about negative effects that can be given to a support.

Zen discord now does a 10dmg per second on the target and reduces the amount of ult charge gained by 20%.

Thats just an example it would be helpful but not feel as frustrating as discord.

Despite what you say discord as it is is far to powerful for a hero to have it would either be too strong or useless.

In that case its better for a rework

I am not assuming… that is quite literally what you said…

So either remove her whatsoever, or change her identity to something else…
Both achieve the same thing - hero no longer existing.

Which functionally is deleting a character and replacing them with someone else…

Delete widow widow’s kiss, and replace it with something else… She is no longer a widowmaker, but rather a different hero.

Which leads to changing her identity in to something she is not. Functionally it is indistinguishable from deleting her and putting a different hero in her place.

not every change to a character results in the character not being said character anymore

for example, the 5 extra bullet change to Mercy did not make her “not Mercy”

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Im not a sigma main lol

I dont like sigma i used to like him back in ow1 but not really now he just feels boring to play imo