Please add more Avoid Slots

There seriously needs to be a few more. 5-10 at LEAST for Gold Silver and Platinum where almost 90% of the community resides.

I avoid a thrower, and another, then you see more of them as you play and you basically have to choose between the lesser of 2 evils.

5 would be nice, 10 would be better.

If someone avoids you, there is definitely a reason. If it increases queue time, so what. Its worth your time to wait for a good team rather than get the same throwers an leavers over and over because we only get 2 avoid slots.


They should add more but the problem is with people in higher levels. If they’re avoiding more players than the queue time would be longer and that’s something Blizzard doesn’t want to do.


The top teir players in GM and top 500 make up less than 5%, hell not even 2% of the community.

Simple solution would be to change the amount of avoid slots people have at certain teirs. Anything below Master gets 25 slots. Anyone Master and above get 5, maybe 10. That’s clearly not unreasonable.

2% of the community is STILL thousands of people you can potentially meet.


But then you’re unfairly treating higher skilled players differently from everyone else because of their level of skill. Right now there is no discrimination based on the level you are in. People in higher levels want more avoid players slots too and denying that would be unfair simply because they have more skill than everyone else.

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BS - A GM can’t group with someone who is 1000 SR below you.

Additionally anyone over 3000 SR doesn’t have to put up with the performance based SR gains.


no you’re not, because both are still allowed to avoid the same percentage of their population.


I agree. I had 5 leavers cost me 120 SR last night


But what about for different systems? There are way less GMs on Xbox than on PC. What if there’s less GMs playing during a time? Should there be a smaller cap on the number of players you can avoid for that time? Blizzard considers lots of factors for the avoid player feature. They didn’t just say lets make it two just because they can.

They said 2 because it would cause the least disruption to the system. Take the average amount of players in queue for any one month, you should be able to avoid 5% of that player base. Or maybe 2% not really sure.

It does not matter how fewer players there are on XBOX. 90% of the PC community is stuck in Silver, Gold and Platinum mainly because of 3 types of people.

1.) Toxic and abusive people who make it their business to get you upset an then they usually falsely report people for using 1 swear word or non-toxic word like “garbage” or “useless” and that is an abuse the report system.
2.) Leavers, throwers or just the casual players who simply do not know how to use their heros, that purposely put you at a disadvantage in a Competitive match.
3.) People who intentionally sabotage the match by abusing their hero abilities. Like Mei walls and trollish Sym portal use.

If we are only being given 2 avoid slots as a SIlver, Gold and Platinum ranked players, why even have them at all??? Blizzard is way too concerned about how it effects GM and top500. But in all honestly…if they get avoided, there is probably a damn good reason. Yeah some people get trolled etc, but a large amount of them crappy attitudes an bloated egos and probably deserve to get avoided because of their attitude. I simply do not tolerate that sort of behavior regardles of what rank someone is. I would automatically void someone like Defran or XQC based solely on their past behavior alone. They only get so many chances to be figureheads of the community, to be role models. Many of them have simply screwed that up. That is why they get punished publically for their screw ups. Blizzard is showing the community that their type of actions are not tolerated. Personally…many of them should have been permenantly banned or suspened for their attitudes and conduct especially when I have recieved silences for saying “garbage” and “useless” in team and match chat to aequately describe someones skill level or usefulness to the team. These guys get away with usin racial slurs more than a few times ONLY because their streams reach thousands of people. It is a completely biased an corrupt choice on Blizzards part to allow these people to get away with what they do and then someone like me, who plays hundreds of matches a week only reaches the automated rport threshhold because of some douchebags wanting to get my acount actioned.

SO YES …we need more avoi slots down in Silver Gold and Platinum. If ONLY because there are more people we have to deal with on a daily basis while trying to rank up.

I may not be MAster skill level, but I DARN SURE should be at least Platinum or Diamond. I’d be happy with that if it wasnt for leavers, throwers and the occasional player who has no idea what they are doing.

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If they were to add more I think just add one more. That way it plays into 3 strikes, 2 is just silly.

If you were down in Gold and silver that opinion would immediately change. No question.

2 is not even enough. 3 would be insulting because almost every other match there is always another person doing something trollish or toxic. We need at LEAST double digits. 10 at MINIMUM would be effective so you can at least switch some out after an hour or so. Constantly switching then in and out only makes it likely for them to be grouped with you again and that defeats the purpose of the avoid slots.

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Maybe, I’d be curious to see how the new avoid is fairing and what impact it is having on the MM.

Any chance of an update from the team at all?

Could a # of slots based on the tier distribution be appropriate with 2 being the minimum?

From Jeff’s post earlier: Competitive Mode Tier Distribution
Competitive Mode Tier Distribution Graphic

ie. Gold would get the most avoids followed by Plat, then Silver etc?

It doesn’t have to be a linear relation between percentage and slots, I’m sure the mathematicians on the Overwatch team could work something out.

If OP is around Diamond or below, pretty sure there are several thousands more within even his SR bracket that are at the very least even 1-50 SR more or less than him.

I have 2 accounts. I created a second one because I bought the game for a friend but he had some real life stuff happen an he had to move to a different home and his internet is now abysmal and he cant play much online gaming now.

Anyway, one account (the newer one) is in mid-high Gold. In Season 10 I was climbing to the high 2400s, decent win streaks and great teams, and then just when I am on the VERGE of hitting Plat only a week into the Season, literally ONE win from Plat at say 2493…AND BAM…here come the throwers, leavers, toxic buttheads players and I lose match after match. Instead of getting tilter after the second loss, I took a quick break. Refilled my water pitcher, grabbed some fruit salad and made a liverwurst cheese and lettuce sandwich for lunch. Came back after about an hour, I lose another one , and another. So again, took a break. After all these matches I have to constantly figure out which of those players were the bigger issues. A Reinhardt who was charging in like a nincompoop? A Mercy who wipped out her pistol while in Valk an not healing people? Or the slough of purely toxic or inept players that do not have any discernible skill with their heros.

Then there was the DDOS attack that happened. I was at 2390ish, got DCd from 2 matches in a row during the DDOS attack, so I lost 100SR…FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC. I was now down to 2290ish so I took a break, had some food and drink, bathroom took a nap etc. Came back, got back to 2390s, then more leavers, throwers, Torb and Mei trolls, players who have no idea how to use their heros who end up feeding the enemy.

My main acount that I have had for 10+ years playing WoW and Overwatch, I started in high gold season 2, 3, 4 and 5, then ropped to high silver and only just NOW in Season 11 poked my head back into Gold. That is the account I am currently playing on. I got to 2012 last night and then went to sleep.

Today, I am already down to 1975 after 2-3 matches and I already have to keep playing the 'lesser of 2 evils" game with the avoid slots. It is genuinely frustrating to have to deal with players who are less skilled than myself. No I am not GM or top500 skilled, but I am definitely better than Gold. I would be happy with low Diamond or high Platinum. I see people make basic mistakes almost every match and people have the worst atitude (especially in these low teirs) and they snap at you when you are trying to genuinely help them improve so their choices aren’t effecting everyone else.

We need more avoid slots. Its just that simple. That will give people the peace of mind they need so they don’t spend time worrying about trolls, leavers and toxic people while they wait in queue.

Thus supporting why I think the excuse of having long queue times due to avoiding “way too many players” is BS. The reason I said that is because if you avoid, lets say, 100 people, there’s still atleast thousands left within the SR range of even that small of a gap (1-50 SR below or above you) kind of thing.

We need infinite amount of avoids but for a really short time, max 24 hours.

Exactly. At most you just need to avoid someone for 24 hours.

Maybe they should add an option to select how long you avoid someone???

What if we had the option to set the time we avoid someone? That way you can sort of pick and choose what you as an individual believe to be worth of a longer or shorter avoid time. I think that would be a good idea.

For example, avoid times would begin at as little as 30 minutes or 1 hour, and you can set it t any 15 minute interval on up to 48 or 72 hours? And maybe have 5 slots specifically for long term/possibly permanent avoidance.

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The percentage of people in your elo is a great idea, honestly. Gold and platinum in particular have a very large percentage of “salty” people who leave matches early. It happens in every elo, but there’s just so many people in gold and plat that getting out of there can be difficult sometimes.

Honestly, the lfg function makes this somewhat less necessary, but even then you’re bound to run into awful human beings from time to time.

And on top of that the whole private profile crap makes it IMPOSSIBLE to gauge how successful you will be with those teams which is why that feature was such a bad idea.