Please abolish rolequeue, everyone hates it except some tryhards diamond and above

Sorta. Maybe hard truth?

Edit: I just find many people who have no other recourse besides just taking the loss will use the Tryhard insult rather than just lose gracefully.

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Do you know those dudes that wanted 222 SO HARD but didnt want to use LFG for it? Yeah, those are the dudes truly enjoying this Forced 222.
There are also a few on the “meh” section that dont hate it, and sometimes think its nice to have a “balanced” comp and another dude healing/tanking besides themselves, but those would be fine without it.

And theres also a HUGE LOT of people that quit and hate it. Some that didnt quit 100% and still play QP a bit or Arcade modes but … yeah, nah. Its still funny that the 222 Supporters still claim to be the vast majority … with absolutely no stats/facts to back that up or even a logical train of thought behind :rofl:


go quickplay classic you will find your kind lurking there somewhere


You can have competitive solitaire. . no joke this is a thing

It’s not about player count is about availability of skill. 90% of the abilities in OverWatch are just a press to do automatic. What makes a casual game vs competitive right now is completely opinionated. But to me it should only be whether or not the game allows for player skill involvement.

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qp classic is not equivalent to pre-222 qp in multiple respects

comp classic doesnt exist at all

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i saw a strange thing happen on qp yesterday, both support and dps had 10min qeue times and tank was only 2.

is tank role really that miserable?

yea but u wont find try hards there

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speak for yourself

20 characters

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Oh hey my spam flags are back. Neat.

Stop, it’s staying. Deal or find a new game


Sadly you get haters who don’t like that logic. Only way to get back is calling them a “try hard”.

For the last year, me and my Wife have pretty much only played Arcade, because QP/Comp was just too annoying and frustrating, both the games themselves and the people in them.

Since RQ was put in, we’re back playing QP and Comp and loving it. It’s a fun enjoyable experience again. I’m plat, she’s gold.

Slightly increased queue times (usually about 3 minutes if one of us picks DPS, about a minute if we don’t) is COMPLETELY worth it for the actually enjoyable games, compared to the total trash it was before.


Ok so by your personal definition sure… But dismissing the game as casual because it doesn’t meet YOUR standards is going to invite contention. People play this game to win and practice accordingly, it’s strange to handwave those who are dealing with the nitty gritty of mechanics and balance and synergy and say “bah those are just the tryhards, forget those guys”.

I try hard every game - I want to win - and I vastly prefer qp classic despite the lack of equivalence to pre-222 qp

Almost all others seem to be trying to win as well…which is a good thing, as I see it

again, I dont understand the implied negativity of the term “tryhard”

So far we are at 0 days without seeing the “this game is dying” meme. There are lots of people who like role queue, get over yourself. Not saying everyone loves it, but obviously the devs think it is enough of a success to keep it.


The issue is you think by me saying it’s casual means it’s a bad game.

Mario kart
Mario party
Plants v zombies GW
Battlefront EA

These are all really really good games. But they’re all casual.

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I’ve never understood it as well. When people are “tryhards”, really it just means to me that they are passionate about what they are doing and want to do a good job with it. Nothing more, nothing less.


Nah, I am the definition of a casual gamer and I would agree that this game has casual MODES and a large casual playerbase but saying the game isn’t competitive at all is a bit far.

Yeah but that gets a little sad in games and things not worth going that hard in lol

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talking to the guy who wrote the forum

Now you’re mishearing me. It does indeed have competitive modes and competition. However it is a casual game

You can make a tournament or competition out of anything, doesn’t make it competitive