Please abolish rolequeue, everyone hates it except some tryhards diamond and above

I watch videos, catch up on news, pay bills… lots of stuff bin i can do for 4 to 8 minutes. Yes better queues would be optimal but not enough to do away with role queue.

If people think finding tanks and supports is hard now wait until a bunch of leave because we refuse to go back to the nightmare that is solo tank/solo heals.


1000000% facts…

Speak for yourself thank you. I’m neither Tryhard nor Diamond and above, and I LOVE Role queue. I was sick of losing game after game after game, because 4 people decided we needed Weeb, Handsoap, Windowasher, and “insert 4th DPS”. No… Role queue is a blessing for those that want to play with the chance to win, w/o having to “Go play Comp” to do so.

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Played a qp classic game the other day 5 dps and a lucio. Super fun.

If nobody else cared about that match, why should the one.

Misleading thread title, it says everyone hates it except some tryhards diamond and above, but I don’t hate it and I don’t fall into a tryhard category? I don’t miss the teams of four or five ‘damage’ and getting absolutely no progress.


imo, if one wishes to complain about having 6dps on one’s team, one shouldnt create said problem by also choosing dps

If you can’t beat 'em. Join 'em. Or roleque. I know what side you’re on.

the absolute ratio on this lmao

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Oh no! People have good games now! I’m so tired of my games not being instant lost due to 5 DPS. Ugh. Get rid of good games!


I dont understand…many games have been won by 5 and 6 dps teams

Only taking seriously what you absolutely need to is just stupid. If you have enough passion for something you should be able to take it seriously even if others don’t. Like people who like racing. Yeah, driving is kind of just something you do, but to some people they can compete, find out who is the best driver, give it their all and try to be the fastest. While others is just using their vehicle to commute.

I love rolequeue, I just hate that they’ve done almost nothing at all to remove the GOATS buffs to tank busters and nerfs to tanks now that we have 2-2-2, and have done pretty much nothing to rebalance the game around it, leaving a lot of the roster still either unplayable or close to it. is no longer unplayable since the recent QOL change, but still feels like garbage most of the time.

Because the mechanical skills are simplified in some cases and you don’t have to have knee-jerk reactions and great precision to grow?

It still requires game sense, communication, and awareness with those traditional FPS elements. I know I personally cannot compete on a national Overwatch level. Do you see the similarities that Camkitty is basing the comparison on?

Here’s the thing with Smash… It is a simplified/casual fighter compared to the Fighting Game scene. The only thing it does more than the average fighter is zoning/spacing. Overwatch has a lot of similarities to that in the FPS scene.

So this makes it ok to call it “sad”?

You aint gonna win if you dont get to play to begin with
Competitive is a lot more that just having a “meta” team comp

Yes they compete in legit races on race tracks and sponsered weekends, just like yes take it serious when you are playing and trying out at local or sponsered overwatch events but when you are playing at home at the end of the day your SR, your win/loss doesnt affect your life so it doesnt matter

I really don’t know how you aren’t getting this. People compete to be the best they can be, to push their selves to the limits and defeat the competition. It’s what is most fun about it. It’s fun to win. It’s fun to outplay people, to have better mechanical skill, punish their mistakes, learn from your own mistakes and improve. It’s exciting, fun, engaging, interesting and addicting. You constantly improve, change your playstyle, try different characters, fight new teams. It’s the perfect setting for a competitive environment. It’s not like Call Of Duty, where people are “competitive” about who can react the quickest, not outplaying, outsmarting, or even being better. THAT’S not competitive, a game like this is.

I love Role Queue! I can queue in and play as what I want to play. I don’t get stuck choosing “Do I throw by refusing to fix a team comp? Or do I play something I don’t want to play?” I get to have a team comp AND choose what I get to play! It’s amazing!

I would dare say, many, many more have been lost

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