Please abolish rolequeue, everyone hates it except some tryhards diamond and above

100% agreed.

But, I’m always trying to be as objective as possible when forming my views and opinions and since I believe I have mostly achieved such impartiality, then I don’t find myself in that group of people.

That claim is both extreme and brittle. Find one distrustful metric/statement anywhere in gaming - and it shatters completely. I’d seriously revise it.

Do you really think Blizz is the most trustworthy source for polls/data? It seems like they have a lot to hide, seing as how they never publish the data, constantly leave their community in the dark about technical details, and have everything to gain by making the data look better than it might actually be.

‘Tustworthy’, in the sense of how we define and measure trust. Usually we require transparency, reputation, accountability, auditability, 3rd party oversight, etc…or some kind of concensus protocol before we award degrees of trust.

You have NONE of those schemata in-place via your claim - blindly trusting Blizz as the end all be all. Given these issues, it seems more plausible that they’re NOT the most trustworthy voice on the matter.

Actually, as per those threads, the forums were quite split on 222, but around 2/3 or so were excited, coinciding with the polls. For the record I was always against the prison sentence of locked 222, for basically every reason that we’re plagued with right now.

The ‘2/3 majority’ number is the ‘going rate’ so people aren’t caught up in quantifying it over and over again. It was sort of reached by concensus via reddit polls, forum polls, private surveys, discords, etc. We looked into the statistical significance of many of these polls, as well as the echo chamber affects. The numbers could still be scrutinized, but people wanted to move on.

I don’t particularly consider 2/3 majority a huge victory margin for something that literally rewrites overwatch, tells the playerbase the devs are benevolent dictators, and chops away scores of existing and would-be players. Particularly when the alternative, i.e. enforcing 222, was already an in-game option via LFG or premades.


Look, it’s my opinion and I’ll remain entitled to it.

If you like it, great, if you don’t, so be it.

I’m not talking about the pre - 2/2/2 role - lock excitement/fear though I my post, I’m talking about the later reactions to it…

Still waiting for at least a tiny amount of evidence that supports any of this

Really though, who reached this conclusion, what’s his authority, did he just cherry - pick his favorite results, etc., etc.?

Sorry, but I don’t believe you…

Ehh, sorry to burst your bubble, but if this metric is true, which I totally doubt, then of course the 2/2/2 role - lock supporters present the very large majority, as they are double than said 2/2/2 haters.

I don’t think this is a very difficult concept to understand, since it’s the basis of mathematics and business management.

Blizzard won’t in no way revert the system, but since the 1/3 of the player base, which certainly is a significant number according to your “metrics”, doesn’t like it, then they will of course make some compromises, such as introducing Quick Play Classic as a permanent game mode in Arcade.

And in my opinion, I consider that more than enough.

If the players were able to actually properly cooperate and not cause all that chaos for 3 years straight, then the devs wouldn’t have had to do that.

But, since that’s possible I an online video game and especially such a diverse one like Overwatch, the necessary steps and regulations had to be created.

And I truly see no problem with that.

And just at the moment when I thought this couldn’t get any more ridiculous, here I see a person in 2019 advocating against 2/2/2 role - lock by using the broken mess that was and still is the LFG system as an ““argument””… :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

And all of that is coming from a person who had been using that system for more than a year.

Are you playing with an organized team of 5 others vs an organized team of 6 or are you and a pack of randos on the internet playing another pack of randos on the internet?

Its more of a statement. An extremely falsefiable one. For the reasons I explained. I’m not using opinions here, only logic. I’ll leave it to someone else to show a single distrustful thing uttered by a single game developer to shatter your entire world view.

Meta studies which amalgamated the various polls, and citizen scientists who fact-checked and tested statistical significance. The ones with practicable data science backgrounds even worked out the margins of error, showing 50/50 support couldn’t be ruled out in some of the surveys - because the sample sizes were relatively small. Given the uncertainties, and the magnitude of the decision making, its not as significant a majority as the untrained mind would think. I refer you to any entry level textbook on stats or business management. If you wanna get into deep stats, then lets play ball.

Finally, there were many echo chamber effects not accounted for, so overall, a 2/3 majority was giving the 222 crowd a (generous) benefit of the doubt.

Its lightyears more than we got from Blizz, I’m afraid.

Didn’t I link the posts? Did you not read through them? From there, you’ll find countless other links to external sources. I’ll let you take a day or two to come up to speed on things, since you care so much.

I’m sure after your read through you’ll thank us for 2/3.
Take it as a lucky settlement and run.

Don’t believe me. Believe the math! Thats what I always tell the normies. Also: These are the numbers BEFORE 222 went live, with some early feedback during the honeymoon phase. We’d have to perform the survey exercise again post-222 era, and adjust for all the people that it made leave.

Correction, everyone loves it but dps players.

I think you have mistaken a simple opinion as my cosmology or something…

What I’m talking about developer statements overall being the most trustworthy source of metrics for the video games they’ve created is not a complete certainty, but a logical and above all, a general assumption that can be as anecdotally proven as it can be disproven, the same with your logic.

Wow, so we’re talking about gonvermental, state - of the art research here, right?

I’m extremely impressed, dumbfounded and even bamboozled.

But since all that work, authority and data science has gone into this research, then how about providing one simple link which proves what you’re saying, because really, I can start taking metrics out of my brain wnd call them facts if I start following your mindset…

Nope, you didn’t link any posts, any sites and none of your ““scientific”” evidence…

I would be more than glad to receive it now though.

Oh, so we’re even called normies now?

I hope you understand just how utterly ridiculous you sound…

I’m literally laughing right now… :rofl::rofl:

Read through the posts I linked, and the posts linked in them, and get back to me if you have any technical questions. Thanks.

The only problem with 2-2-2 is that they didnt balance the game for it quickly after. Simple exemple, It’s been more than 2 months now that we have a healer who can heal for 35k & dmg for 20k while having the best survivability and the lowest skill cap. But well, i guess they have other priorities… ho! is there any blizzcon soon ?

I get back to the game for casual QP and people are treating it the same as comp.

I find winning fun. I find losing fun. It’s casual. Of course I’m going to try, but I still suck.

I like role que Lol.

Only thing I’d like to see added is shorter dps times if I play tank/healer.

I went through all the messages in this conversation.

You haven’t linked in not even one of your posts any evidence of your claims, but only remarks that you’ve supposedly done the ““math”” and that your ““evidence””, even though non - existent, debunks the other people’s views who actually have feasible evidence of their claims.

Now please, prove me wrong and link me those posts, because this situation has surpassed troll levels by this point…

I am a support main, and i hate rolequeue

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It’s still a competitive game, even if that isn’t how the game was meant to be. The game is competitive because succeeding requires mastering a playstyle, learning and perfecting a character, and working strategically and as a team. It’s simply too complex to say it’s for casuals.

That’s just dumb. How can you, as a gamer, write off a video game as just "dumb and shouldn’t be taken seriously? You know that’s not how it works, a lot of people are passionate about gaming and consider it a hobby.

You just said it right there, it is a hobby, something to pass free time, it doesnt have any effect on your daily life and people that play this game like their future depends on it, need to step back relax and realize unless you are trying out to go pro it doesnt matter

If it’s already 5 DPS why bother with another role? Just so they can leave you to die if you’re a healer… or so no one can stand behind the shield?

I don’t dislike a single thing about role queue. I think as the years have gone on people are getting more and more impatient with petty little things.

Wah wah I had to wait 10 minutes to play the most popular role in the game wah wah

Grow up already. It’s pathetic the level of crying all the dps instalockers make now they have to wait to play dps.

I play DPS too. But I was brought up with a couple of things. Respect and Patience.

I find other things to occupy my time while the game finds me a fair match.


The reason to bother is because those who speak of 6dps being a problem shouldnt ever by definition play on a 6dps team…it doesn’t make sense (to me, at least) to complain about 6dps being a problem while being a part of said problem by also choosing dps

I’m a flex and hate role queue.

I stick to QP classic until this game finally dies. Will be soon if it’s true about ow2

Please do not. The game was really dying prior.