Plea - Day 1: Revert Roadhog to his older state

Dont revert. Try something else! You’ve seen how much that 1 damage changes.

Lets try a reload speed buff for example.

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I agree roadhog is trash now and people genuinely dont understand his role as a bruiser.

But youre talking to the OW devs. They wont touch Road for another 4 months at least. I’d be happy to be proven wrong, but based on their track record nothing will happen.

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We are 1 month through with McCree strong. Genji and Ashe are getting boring fast.

Hog is fine. He got massively buffed by the reduction of shields. He shouldn’t be playing like the are still strong. Maybe he can get a bullet back or faster reload, but the damage is a hard no.

lately ive seen he can one shot alot of the squishies if the player whos playing him knows wha they are doing

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na I like road hog being a garbage tank.

the hero isn’t fun to play against.

Hog players walk out of spawn knowing damn well that they’re the only ones having fun.

enough of that-

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Listing the same nerf multiple times slightly re-worded to make things seem worse than they are really isn’t helping your case in the way you think it does.

I beg you Blizzard, Give him back 6 bullets, give him attack speed back .

Remove these nerfs. This consistency does not help when his overall damage is non existent.

I had so much fun in the last two weeks. At least keep some of that. Don’t make him dumpster tier.

The complete list of nerfs on Roadhog:

  1. His ult got nerfed. Because each bullet now does 6 instead of 7 damage.
  2. His left click got nerfed. He does 6 damage per bullet instead of 7.
  3. His right click got nerfed. He does 6 damage per bullet instead of 7.
  4. His dps got nerfed. He attacks slower than before.
  5. His overall damage got nerfed. He has 5 bullets instead of 6, means he attacks less, reload more. more downtime!

Over all he does less dps, less overall damage, on his all attacks (left, right, and ult) he has much more downtime (attacks are slower, reloads much more).



He feels so terrible… like, I’ve been off overwatch for a bit due to internet problems, and getting on today and doing a full session with him… god. It physically upset me how bad he feels.

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I beg you Blizzard, Give him back 6 bullets, give him attack speed back .

Remove these nerfs. This consistency does not help when his overall damage is non existent.

I had so much fun in the last two weeks. At least keep some of that. Don’t make him dumpster tier.

The complete list of nerfs on Roadhog:

  1. His ult got nerfed. Because each bullet now does 6 instead of 7 damage.
  2. His left click got nerfed. He does 6 damage per bullet instead of 7.
  3. His right click got nerfed. He does 6 damage per bullet instead of 7.
  4. His dps got nerfed. He attacks slower than before.
  5. His overall damage got nerfed. He has 5 bullets instead of 6, means he attacks less, reload more. more downtime!

Over all he does less dps, less overall damage, on his all attacks (left, right, and ult) he has much more downtime (attacks are slower, reloads much more).



The spread change is a further nerf on his previous state. Try 1-shotting sombra now or Mei or Reaper - they’re all much harder than they were before his changes. The only thing they have made consistent is the spread - they claimed it would make his 1-shot more consistent, which is true, but more consistent at not getting the 1-shot is not what we thought they meant.

I agree they should just put him back the way he was including random spread and start again with some minor change if he needs it. They did a failed experiment and instead of being gracious about it and reverting it outright they’re trying to play more with the numbers and it is just making 1 failure into 2 failures. Once back in his old state they should leave him for a couple of weeks to see how he fits in the current meta. Without shields my bet is that he will still be a top pick (as he still seems to be even after the nerfing he has had).

Their mistake was changing Sigma, Orisa and Hog in the same patch instead of changing the shield tanks and seeing where that left hog then changing hog based off that later.


And not to mention he was already bad to begin with, now he’s complete dumpster tier.


duh, Reaper, Mei and Sombra are worst heroes in the game, they kinda deserve a better and fairer match up against best DPS tank, it’s nothing wrong with that. And other tanks need to compete against his high burst dmg too
Consistent dmg =/= 1 shot
He’s in tank role while he was never an actual tank, just a DPS
If you want more ammo and better fire rate, take him into DPS and cut 200HP from his healthpool

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Hate him as an enemy as long as you want, but there is a lot of people locking hog anyhow. Do you want your teammate to be a burden to your team or just allow hog to be at least ok again? Give him at least:

Chain hook damage from 30 to 50. It’s a way to make his hooking more consistent. Still he doesn’t wreck tanks like winston or dva so badly as his damage is not 175. 250hp one shot would be more likely with this small damage buff.

Or just revert fire rate, but keep 5 ammo

They nerfed him like mecree and left him in a worse state than before the buffs.

However he is still the most picked tank in gm and we need to wait and see how much the nerfs affect him.

His biggest buffs were probably the nerfs to shields and even the current version feels a lot stronger becouse of the lack of shields.

I beg you Blizzard, Give him back 6 bullets, give him attack speed back .

Remove these nerfs. This consistency does not help when his overall damage is non existent.

I had so much fun in the last two weeks. At least keep some of that. Don’t make him dumpster tier.



I wish they’d do it, but I doubt it will happen. When it comes to stuff like this, there either needs to be enough community outrage, or if a few OWL pros speak their mind.

So, essentially, Hog is screwed


My endless crusade shall never end! I stopped playing tanks altogether now. feelsbadman :cry:


What if they reduced the spread on the Hog shotgun?

Since being forced to be accurate, but with an inaccurate weapon, kinda sucks.