Plea - Day 1: Revert Roadhog to his older state

I beg you Blizzard, Give him back 6 bullets, give him back attack speed.

Remove these nerfs. This consistency does not help when his overall damage is non existent.

I had so much fun in the last two weeks. At least keep some of that. Don’t make him dumpster tier.



I’m sure all of the Hog players had fun playing a 106% pickrate OP hero…


All damage is weaker, he’s about the same power relative to everyone else as he was pre bufd


A 55 damage hook would be nice.

Top500 already moving back to rein/zarya btw.

Enjoy your new old meta :frowning:

Yes fire rate, no ammo count.

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Why would they do that when Winston Zarya was becoming meta on ladder before Hog buffs and Winston dive is currently meta in OWL?

Just checked streams, some playing Rein Zarya, I see lots of Sigma too, still see LOTS of Hog, and also see Winston Zarya.

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My point is Roadhog is dead. Not nerfed. They need to revert these nerfs. This is just sad.

Lower tiers will be a mess again of people crying for shields every game. Not fun.

Not only is that statistically impossible, but you’re a fool if you thought he was OP.


I’m going to post this everyday until we get a blue response. This is unacceptable. From making Roadhog finally a viable tank to a dumbpster tier once again in less than 2 weeks.

Please revert his attack speed and bullets count to 6. There is absolutely no reason to gut him like that.

Please - I want to have fun again playing this game. Now I don’t anymore :frowning:

Forum Moderator Note: Please keep in mind that posting multiple topics with the same content is considered spam. I’ve merged the topics for now, so please keep your discussion in one post.

We also frown on requests for Blue Posters. It’s best to focus on your feedback, rather than fishing for a blue post - it’s much more valuable for us too so that we know what concerns you want addressed.

It took doomfish 4 months of daily posting for DF buffs… GL on your journey

Yeah I dont get it, roadhog was considered bad before he was partially buffed. Nowhe has lower dmg and two nerfs stayed. How does that make sense? Why did they want him to be better when they just killed him and made him even worse than before.

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They just wanted to put the final nail in the coffin, that what had happened, he was already dead when they buffed him

People like nerfs when it happens to characters they don’t like. But when it happens to their main, whoa, watch out. The character is suddenly dead. The game is dead. They don’t know how to handle the changes. Buffs happen. Nerfs happen. Deal with it.

Roadhog is not dumpster tier by any stretch, but I’d say he got dropped from SS to B.

Imo 6 ammo was too much. Adapt to the changes.

I’m an avid player of Mei, Orisa, Sigma, Baptiste, Brigitte, and Symmetra. I know how much it sucks to have your unbridled power ripped away from you because the fun police stepped in.

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No dude, he was c tier before the buff, now its a net nerf for what ?

So that he doesn’t just dominate literally everything with less than 500 HP.

Remember that in the same patch where hog became op, barrier strength was reduced even further if I’m not mistaken. Any reduction in barrier strength, especially to long ranged heroes, is a net gain for our favorite pigboy

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Why did they buff him in the first place ? Shields were going down already, that was in plain hindsight

Idk to make OWL “more interesting to watch?”

Maybe somebody was feeling nostalgic for 2017 hog, and then realized that there was a reason 2017 hog got complained about ad nauseum and was rebalanced in the first place.

But dont you think that was a d*** move ? Buffing him in the same time his counters get nerfed, only to nerf him hard afterwards.