Playing Support is too easy

Not the same 1PBTID OP, but I’ll reply. Isn’t it really easy to fulfill the role? I find myself a coefficient in the match outcome, meaning I am the multiplier by which my team can do well. Braindead no damage tank with terrible positioning? I am a factor of 2 and the tank a 0.
2 times 0 is still 0.
It’s still plausible to lose matches as support, but I feel your kind is more at the mercy of matchmaking and your own judgement than anything. DPS and tanks are really the roles that get to make their own destiny.
I don’t agree with OP making it out that it’s easy to rank as support, but it’s certainly easy to do what’s required of the role (personally, I also find it boring). I remember my own words every time I see a Reddit Lucio or DPS Moira.

There hasn’t been anything but nerfs on support for the past few seasons.

Yeah, I think that’s what’s making it hard.

yeah kids remember

easy =/= strong

like mf, walking around and carrying newspaper for the postboxes is also easy, but it doesn’t pay as much as being a doctor for example

what a shocker…

I respect your bravery posting this in forums, since majority people in here play support lol

Dude is either trolling or is brand new and saw a TikTok moira video or something.

if support wa so ez/op everyone would be playing it.

they aren’t.

They’re not playing it bc its too braindead easy tbh

Thx for the bait :wink: .