Playing Support is too easy

The fact that this isn’t the most absolute braindead post this week is telling.

I actually have no words…try getting to, what, maybe plat? Plat should be enough to prove it’s not easy. Let alone try to say that in a Master’s lobby lol

I only play support and yea it’s pretty easy lol

Can you explain what makes them “easy”? Do you mean mechanically? Supports are high priority targets and most of them can be fairly vulnerable.

At the end of the day tanks and DPS hace more tools available for killing stuff.

Supports also mostly hace drawbacks to their weapons. Ana can’t headshot, and her damage is technically over time. Kiriko is slow, Moira is also slow. Lucio has a very clunky weapon.

Most supports also don’t have any extra DPS tools.

To simply put - a lot of passive value. Healing is easier than dealing damage. Healing wins games unless people deal too much damage. It’s easier to healbot your way through higher ranks than your usual elo, than being competent tank in higher lobbies you usually play. Go watch SVB yesterday stream where he asked a question “are ranks really inflatated” where challengers from lower ranks in ow1 peaked the highest in ow2. Tank players were struggling hard in higher elo opposition while supports just by staying alive and pocketing their team were doing enough.

No role is easy to carry. But supports definetely have a lot of passive value in their kit.

Wow. Can’t even make it a 2 post by coming back to the thread.

And really, supports are getting more difficult. Kiriko and Lifeweaver are proof of that. Their mechanical skill floors are a bit more demanding than many other supports.

You must have amazing tanks and DPS in every single game. I’m jealous

This does ring of a crying about support thread.

Like any other class, some characters are easier to play and others are harder. You know what’s harder than playing support? Trying not to blame someone else for your own bad play :stuck_out_tongue:


Bruh, I just tried this and dropped to bronze instead :rage:

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Thank you for this blessing

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sunday was yesterday mr one post burner account

I can imagine him typing this as a challenge. Which challenge “Tell me you are Bronze without telling me you’re bronze. I’ll go first” and here we got, which such an amazing post.

I guess that explains why tanks and dps make the dumbest gameplay mistakes and feed more than support ever could.

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You should make being a comedian your profession.

Everybody flag his account for a laugh

The troll is strong with this one.


A bait post that caught a fair bit of fish! Very nice!

But to be serious for a second, I think tanking is the hardest role, then support, then DPS. Tanks have to focus on mind-gaming the enemy tank all the while the entire enemy team is shooting at them. There’s a lot riding on the tank playing well since there’s only one of them per team. Supports are usually in safer spots in a fight, but they still have to keep track of 9 players and figure out how to best support the team in the moment (are heals needed most, is damage needed most, are there utilities that can be used to turn the team fight, etc.). I’m not gonna dismiss DPS players’ efforts to mechanically master their characters, but their main focus will always be fairly simple: murder things to death, the end.

Oh you don’t know ? why don’t you try to do a unranked to gm solo queue support then ? Give it a try i promise it’s SO EASY right ?

Figuring out which hero fits your team’s composition the best is more straightforward when it comes to tanks and support, because there’s less heroes to choose from. But I wouldn’t say the role is easy, you just play it differently.

I’m Diamond on all three roles and I agree. Support is the easiest. The gap in difficulty between all three roles is closer in 5v5 than it is in 6v6, which is one of the things I like about 5v5. But support is still the easiest.

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Yup, tank is definitely the hardest as of right now. After blizzard giga buffed the supports, its really hard to get anything done as a tank. All you can do is provide damage and mitigate and hope your dps get the kills or your ana anti nades the enemy team so you can actually get some kills yourself. Its gotten way harder to play tank as a whole considering we only have 1 and tanks are forced to constantly counter pick each other.