Playing Support is too easy

Title, can we change up the support role so its harder to play?

idk why so many people complain about support being tough. As support you can roll your face over your keyboard repeatedly and hit masters. Tank and DPS take much more skill and effort


Are you masters on support already?


One post and this is it, huh?


1 post guy but anyway I just think support is really funny because there’s 9 people in a match doing their absolute best to not let you heal and then 4 of them also get mad at you for not healing.


wtf are you talking about its not easy to play at all like ive tried playing and i struggle with it while taking massive amounts of abuse


sounds like a skill problem

im more of a tank/dps player that is what works best for me i have some hours on mercy and im not sure how much time i have on kiriko and i think lucio and maybe brig…i havent played at all this season yet



Thanks for the laugh.
Come back and post on your main account. With better bait.

Do people fall for this stuff?


Then it’s not easy is it?

You thought you did something but just proved their point.

you’re so smart.


I’m a support main, you’re right and wrong and sooooooo wrong at the exact same time. The difference is we support players have all the neccesary tools to win games, oh there are flankers? Time to go brig Moira, Oh there’s a pharah? It’s Baptiste time baby! Oh my tank keeps overextending and I need to keep repositoning him, Lifeweaver.

We’re on attack or 2cp and I need to seal off the door? Lifeweaver!

Oh my team keeps getting antied, stunee, and hit by DoT effects? LET THE KITSUNAI GUIDE YOU!

Oh there’s a widow dominating my team? Lucio kiriko time baby!

Now do me a favor and master allllll these supports. Sure you can climb with just Baptiste basically, but there are gonna be VERY distinct times where you should switch, do you know those times? Do you know when to “break it down”? And to “up the volume”

Supports not easy nowhere near sure you’ll climb pretty decently with noira relative to your other roles, a diamond moira will be diamond to low masters aaaaaannndd thats it.

The reason support seems “easy” is because a lot of us support mains know what the hell we’re doing, and we have all the tools to try and carry games. Having the tools and knowing how to execute them, and executing them well are entirely different stories.


I play all the roles. I think tank is the hardest. DPS is super easy. You don’t have to keep track of healing and have a lot more damage. If you lose to support in a duel, then you suck.


As a flex player, I wonder what torbjorn symmetra, reaper, winston even, rein has to say about this.
Sorry pal, baptiste needs aiming, winston doesnt. Rein needs other skills like good choice making, same as others. Autoturrets, autoaim, ashe and ana?..well one has nade the other has the dynamite. Seriously as a flex player… I have had harder times playing as support than as tank.


You know from time to time theres someone calling a “role” or a “character” too easy. Nerf this nerf that. Usually people that barely change or switch roles or do not have experience in any of those.

So they are entitled to talk from their lack of experience with such. Also they despise other roles cause they only play this or that and they think "mine (introduce any role or character) is harder and more diverse than people think while others like (introduce the ones you have prejudices about) is too easy etc etc. At some point they are a good laugh, a bad joke and tiring at the same time.

Let me know how I can get to GM as support, please. Thanks.

Play Zen.

Discord enemy tank.


Wait, can i do this as zen? Would be neat.

You’re one of those funnymans! I luv funnymans!

1 Like

What a take.

Op: Make supports harder to play!
Also Op: I get no healing!

Can’t wait to see this 1 poster make it into OWL as support.


This forum is mostly support mains so expect a lot of hostile responses. You’re not wrong though. It is the easiest role of the 3. That doesn’t mean there’s no skill gap among support players, but the difference between say a plat Mercy and a GM Mercy is a lot smaller than a plat Widow and a GM Widow.

The topic is clear bait, so here’s a cut cat