Players Who Want 6v6

The changes I’m talking about is a direct nerf to Rush.

Also nerf Storm Arrow vs Tanks, because that would be a good thing to do generally. He doesn’t need 417dps on bodyshots.

Context, A Sentry Bastion is 365dps.

Then my next question becomes how he would aim this? Would it just return to sender or function similarly to Genji Reflect (which is… Difficult in third person)?

Yeah, basically. But with more of a 0.5sec parry window.

So more like Pyro Airblast from TF2.

Tbh, I was thinking of putting it on QuickMelee as a cooldown, but with no cast time.

Well this now brings up other difficulties because this would make him even more of a counter to Zarya.

Also I can’t claim to have played much tf2, I tried it too late and it was bot ridden in the few matches I played.

I’m a Flex player who leans a decent bit toward Support/DPS and was on board with trying 5v5 initially only to ultimately conclude over the seasons that we’re worse off now.

But honestly, even if it were only the pure Tank players, their opinions are kinda the most valid here given it’s by far the most negatively impacted role.

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Ya but it affects tanks too, which kinda even a the field.
My thing is big hitbox will always be bullied especially if it’s the only thing on the field.

Two tanks helped enforce lanes that’s not possible now.

So you basically have threeways
1.Have tanks have invulnerability states sort a like fortify or bubble.This will make game boring

2.Make tanks heavy type dps remove tank role make it open q

3.make it open q 6v6 but with role limits.

I know your love for hanzo so not gonna discuss that :joy:

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I’ll be revisiting the convo later, gonna go play some games, might have a nap. Have had some very tiring days and want to relax.

Have yourself a good one.

It’s eminently easily counterable with range.

I’m looking to grow the playerbase and fix Queue times.

I don’t really care about high ELO beyond it being a design constraint, and keeping influencers happy enough that they market the game.

And having to have a specific healer, do a specific thing, and be very attentive at doing it, is a problem when playing with Internet strangers for the bottom +90% of the Comp+Quickplay+Open Queue+Arcade playerbase

If that means losing a handful of GM1 Lucio mains to grow the playerbase by 10%. I’m all for that

Depends,5v5 benefits dual queues more than 6v6, 6v6 is an 2 extra people to keep track of. I like dual tanks and 6v6 personal, cause your gonna have rock paper scissors for any role that has 1 player slot… for instance imagine dps has 1 slot and they chose widow, your prolly gonna pick an ez counter like sombra, tracer or genji… If you could only have 1 support and the enemy chose Ana, you would prolly play kiriko or moria, and end with a moria battle like what happens with zarya…

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Queue times aren’t being throttled by Lucio Rush, especially mid range ones, nor is playerbase growth being inhibited by 20% speedboost at the cost of 100% of heals

But they are being throttled by not enough Tank players, and Rein is the most popular Tank.

And he’s dramatically less effective without 1 specific Support pocketing him.
Which is really aggrivating and toxic when the person wants to play Rein, but doesn’t get an attentive Lucio pocket 100% of the time, at all ELOs and game modes.

But you can’t give him that benefit without Lucio, or else Rush would be gigabuffed when you do have Lucio.

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I’m just a support player who misses the feeling of teamwork in the game that made it so special and unique. I miss what Overwatch was before it became Team Deathmatch and hard Counter-watch.

It wasn’t perfect, but it never even got a fair shot at balance. They decide to kill them game for 3 years and let it fester into a cesspool of misery, then threw it away.

Rein is literally below average in popularity, which orifice did you pull that from? Do you even check?

Popularity and Pickrate aren’t the same thing.
Especially not high ELO pickrate.

But on the game design aspect. If you got any situation where you got:

  • Need an Internet stranger to do a specific thing, with a specific hero, and be very attentive with it.
  • And it negatively affects Mid/Low ELOs to a significant degree

That’s bad game design. It’s an abomination that doesn’t deserve to exist. Kill it with Fire. It breaks a countless number of game design principles.

And to the extent that a small amount of people quit, if you get rid of it. Let them quit. They aren’t that important.

They aren’t more of a human being that anybody else, and microtransaction dollars don’t care about your ELO.

And if you think they should forfeit tens of millions of dollars to keep that small amount of players. That’s funny. It’s a joke.

Additionally, if you had to ask a Twitch streamer if they want 10% more Twitch subs + 10% more job security, or to have a slightly more fun meta/hero. What do you think they are going to go for?

We are already huge bro 100 million players :joy:

Aaron said so, what do you want to grow more.

The devs are underpaid, and none of them got their bonus that compensates for that, because the game financially underperformed. After laying off half the team.

That said, sure, we both know that 100 Mil players is a lifetime number, not active players.

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This i thought was Bobby’s parting gift as he changed some blizzard policy on bonus before he left.I think that dude had some personal gripe against overwatch team.

I don’t think they are underpaid just didn’t get bonus, blizz in general has less wages by industry standard though.

Maybe a bit of that.

But every other department got their bonuses.

But either way, the sheer ego on people thinking the small group they’re in is worth forfeiting tens of millions of dollars.

Like damn. Years of eSports focus has warped people’s minds.

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I don’t play tank and I want 6v6 back. It’s just a better format. 2-2-2 never got a real chance to shine because of Sigma.

Did you notice how Sigma got no significant changes in the move to 5v5? Curious, isn’t it? Because he’s overloaded. He was too good. He was a main tank and an off tank all in one.