Players Who Want 6v6

Yes, and I get that. But we don’t just shield jump for the speed. We shield jump for the resource split. Shield jumping essentially gets you to 100% movement speed. This change doesn’t buff him, it essentially just nerfs him in rush with Lucio.

Because shield jumping cares only about your normal movement speed, your shielded speed doesn’t count.

Good intentions but unfortunately, it is a nerf because it doesn’t buff when Lucio isn’t there, and it nerfs when he is there. Like you can… Walk backwards faster. But that’s not what he needs. And even then shield jumping works better for going backwards.

Which is kind of a good thing, because devs want to avoid comps that feel like GOATs.

And to the extent that’s a “meta nerf”, then that frees up more room for “meta buffs”

I.e. +200 barrier health

Fair enough but the point of this is meant to be solving Rein’s hard counters. And you nerfed him, in one of the few comps that remains enjoyable for him.

I cannot emphasise for you how little Rein players want more shield. Like, we’d rather hit harder, or get a way to actually deal with Orisa. Because neither of these things help with that. You could get to 2000 shield and it still wouldn’t let you do anything against Orisa. She’d still hard counter him.

All that would happen is you hold up your shield for longer. And no one enjoys doing that. Double shield isn’t enjoyed and this is more of that loop.

It isn’t hard to balance them so that we don’t have shields upon shields upon shields…

They literally proved as much by removing Orisa’s shield and making her a brawler tank instead. Lmao.

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I honestly couldn’t care less whether we have 6v6 or 5v5. Just make tanking in 5v5 feel as good to play as 6v6 please. That’s all I’m asking for. And I’m talking about low elo, where what tank you play didn’t matter.

If you were a decent tank player in low elo, it doesn’t matter whether the enemy had ana, zen, cassidy, bastion, mei, sombra or pharmacy.

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Well, what specific buffs would you like if that’s not enough?

I see it like freeing up “power currency”, and you can go spend it elsewhere.

Why would Lucio speed boosting a tank be a problem? He isn’t healing, and that’s a significant tradeoff

Honestly, removing charge and giving him a way to skate similar to Lucio. Let Orisa’s spear no longer stun him out of movement (it can stop abilities), so that if he’s canny, he can use the momentum of spear to go faster. It gives him a way to turn spear into an advantage, and win the mobility battle against Orisa.

Similar thing with other knockbacks, if he can force them to not be knocking them straight back, let his speed vector stay high.

Nerf the shield in response, make charge a part of the skating if he can reach absolute top speed (making him a movement character like Lucio to get people into the charge itself), but very difficult so that we encourage him to rush a bit more with swings.

It’s a fairly big change. But he’d need one for Orisa to not hard counter him. Alternatively we’re going to have to look at reworking Orisa instead because Rein’s design would need a rework for this dynamic to not involve a hard counter. Rein and Orisa do not work in the same game when it’s a solo tank format.

The changes I put there also try to make him a bit less dominant in low ranks because you need to learn his movement moreso than before to do well on him. Less bulkiness to rely on.

Because “basically GOATs” comps aren’t that fun to go against, and having to have a Lucio pocket is aggravating when you can’t get one.

Also to the extent that’s a Lucio nerf, that gives “power currency” to spend on fun stuff, instead of taxi service.

Well, what if he could parry the spear back at Orisa?

If you nerf them then it will be the thicc meta with reaps torb gauntlet , mei ice paint, then you will nerf them, th n the cycle will go.

People don’t have the capacity to main tank in numbers to accomodate rq in a game like ow.

Open q with role limits is how you save the game.

Main tank means you are a leader, i don’t think many ow players have that personality trait in them.

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Gotta describe what you mean by the mechanic. If you mean swing the hammer to deflect it, way too slow. Shield reflect similar to the april fools path could work, but you need to justify it in a way that isn’t hp being burned. Also this gives him long ranged power that Rein really should not have.

But that’s fine. Freeing up power budget, then spending it on fun stuff, makes the game more fun.

How is it any fun for Winston whether he is blown up by storm or reaper.

Not to mention we will continue to bleed more tanks.

Well since it’s a flat buff just do the exact same thing, but without the burn, and more strict parry timing

Role Queue made that not happen. Invoking an obsolete comp because you can’t justigy something is pretty lame

I don’t see how nerfing the boring/aggrivating stuff, and buffing the fun stuff, would lose tank players.

Zenyatta mei reaper pharah echo , i don’t think Reinhardt catches a break

How is it any fun for them being shot by reaper or mei than storm arrow

I’m saying Mei/Reaper Rush is like GOATs, and that’s not fun to play against.

And that most Rein players would prefer the permanent 21% speed boost, instead of the babysitting 25% speed boost.