Players Randomly Getting Removed from OpenQ T500 Leaderboard

The Top500 Leaderboard for Open Queue is glitching out and people are getting removed randomly, idk why thats happening, earlier this week 500 people were in t500 but now there are only 281 players at the time of writing this. I also got taken out of it this morning randomly and had to restart my game a couple of times to get back on it, just thought I’d mention this since the season is ending soon and I really want my t500 rewards


same with combined idk why. Maybe u have to be constant with it and keep on playing and if u dont it takes u out so try playing an extra game just in case. was number 250 combined and got taken out gonna see if playing fixes it.


I’m having the same issue and it’s really annoying. I want my T500 rewards, I’m currently 3321 in OpenQ console EU (which is enough to have them), I have 61 games played so no problem, but I don’t want to keep playing and risking to lose SR - especially with how bad those last days of OW1 are when it comes to toxicity, leavers, etc.
Sometimes I’m in the leaderboard, sometimes I’m not, despite the fact that I always should be around ~350th.
Currently there are 500 players in it, the lowest one being at 3009, but if I look again in 5 minutes there might only be 250 players, then 500 again 5 minutes later. It’s really annoying and it’s an unnecessary source of stress.


I find that just logging back into the game puts me back on the top 500 list, I think I’ll be at my computer for the last day


Yes, logging back seems to put us back, but what will happen during the 27 hours where we will not be able to play? That’s part of what concerns me the most.

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during that time i think u are safe but just make sure u finish top 500 for the last day at least. Im gonna have my friend log in for me as im in college for the day

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Well hopefully the game remembers that we’re in T500 and doesn’t kick us out during shutdown…

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I logged off an hour ago and I already got taken out of it, it’ll legit be a gamble if you manage to stay on it during the 27 hours where the servers are down but the season is still going, update the thread on the 4th, I want to see if all of you guys make it or not, if it bugs out and we dont get the rewards for the season lets contact customer support or something. It’s a serious bug thats affecting a lot of people


Just copying what I found and posted on a different conversation about this: I was sitting in game for the last bit of OW1 being up and saw that anyone below 3500 was removed from the T500 leaderboards. So only 241 people stayed in T500 Open Queue. It may be that being diamond in T500 was the issue for some reason? My buddy and I had accounts in T500 open queue and the Masters (3510-ish) one was never removed whereas the diamond (3470) was consistently getting booted out.


I had the same issue and I really want to get my reward spray!

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that can make sense actually, but then its no longer “the 500 highest ranked players in any ranks” weird that they changed it last minute since it worked every other season, I also reached 3469 lmao, should’ve pushed for masters damn

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Given that it randomly started happening in the last 4-5 days of competitive, I assume it was a bug and not intentional. Hopefully they do something as yeah I would’ve just climbed the 3470 to Masters had it been clear that was what the bug was. Maybe it’s just a visual bug and the system still kept track?


I played more or less non-stop during the last hours before shut down and leaderboards seemed to be working fine, I didn’t get kicked out of T500 and I could see players slowly gaining or losing SR. When comp wasn’t playable anymore I was still in T500, so everything should be fine if you logged in before shut down.

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I did the same thing, but if you would’ve checked your profile just before everything went down, you would’ve seen that you were back in regular diamond a couple seconds before everything went down

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It was all fine for me until the last 2-3 minutes of the game being up. I did take a screenshot showing that there were like a full 480 on the leaderboard with about 1 hour left and rank 480 being 3000. I also took one with about 2-3 minutes left where there were only 241 people on the leaderboard at 3500+ and all diamonds removed. So, at least for some, the leaderboard bug (be it visual or not) happened.


I took a 2-3 mins video explaining the issue and going over my stats so I have proof of my rank, so I’ll be fine if we ever contact customer support

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Has anyone seen any change/response if they’re looking into it?

I looked back at the Season 36 results for Open Queue when OW2 launched and only Masters+ are shown in the T500, all the diamond players are left off.


No update on this problem and they didn’t address it in their latest Launch Update. We’ll have to wait for the next one I guess.

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Here’s a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue Season 36 Missing Top 500 Rewards

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Can’t believe I have 200+ posts, I never used the forum before.

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