Players ideas of tanking have become horribly distorted

Sure, but it showed bunkering up wasn’t what all tanking should be. Hammond and Sigma have only shown us more since that it’s not the only thing it should be.

People still try to play these tanks, they want something different, but the current state of the game isn’t really allowing for it.

They want to show us this version of the game in OWL, but don’t want us to play it? That doesn’t make sense.

Oh, I know, It’s just another nail in the coffin.
I used to enjoy D.Va before all of the dmatrix and booster nerfs made her feel useless as a tank.

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Okay… but that’s why I specifically made it so that if you try to bunker up with double barrier, chances are a high mobility comp is going to swoop in and kick your teeth in.

And speaking of Dive,
Orisa = 350HP
Sigma = 350HP
Pulse Bomb = 350 damage
NanoGenjiBlade x2 = 360 damage

You “can” bunker up with DoubleBarrier, but it might not be a smart idea.

So the answer to all problems is to nerf Rein you say. Then what, the next tank gets nerfed, and then it repeats.

Tanking is a nightmare as is, you can die from just precasting a firestrike behind a corner and just barely peaking out. That’s the real reason nobody wants to tank, and people are saying “let’s make more tanks like hog and zarya”.

Only if Orisa is then made hitscan so her gun has actual use

I’m suggesting giving Orisa 14% more firepower, which when she uses her Ultimate kicks her firepower up to Tracer tier. (Which is just below Reaper tier).

Firepower now = 134DPS
Firepower buff = 156DPS
Full Charge Zarya = 190DPS
OrisaUlt + Firepower buff = 234DPS
Tracer = 240DPS
Reaper = 280DPS

✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks

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To be fair, Hog and Zarya ain’t die when they try to peak. So… you might like them more?

Yeah and I died last night on Ashe from being shot in the face while Rein threw out a fire strike.

It happens. If you don’t want that kind of risk, maybe Sigma or Orisa are the tank for you?

You want to play a big barrier but not the risk of what happens when there isn’t one. This is exactly the problem I’m talking about.

We’ll just never agree to anything.

I’m a tank that feels like dps are too strong.

You’re probably a dps and clearly think tanks are too strong. It’s Rein today, but it’ll be x,y, and z.


Lol nah. If this person is complaining about Rein evaporating when he has way more barrier than Orisa and Sigma and more health than them…recommending them to play instead of Rein would only be worse.

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Well… it is not like they are going to nerf weak dps and buff tanks, the upcoming barrier changes are likely nerfs. I am not sure what to tell you other than tanking is going to be even less fun… I guess?

There’s one problem with that: most maps have a big open area called “the objective” that provides very little cover where people are forced to stand in order to win the game.


Deal with Widow first, and then capture the objective.

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People like having a big dude to stand behind because being clicked on when there’s nothing you can do about it feels terrible.

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…and we’re back to the fact that Widowmaker forces very specific team compositions in order to deal with her - literally the point of the post that Jessicka was replying to.

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Unfortunately there’s a bunch of enemies that are designed to make you want to sit behind barriers. Widow, Hanzo, Ashe, Torb, Junkrat, Zenyatta, to name a few.
If most maps didn’t revolve around chokepoints, this might be less of an issue, but the bulk of them were made when Rein was literally the only choice for an anchor tank, and gameplay was designed with his big blue rectangle in mind.

I am not seeing the problem.


There is a super simple solution if people want barriers to not be mandatory.

My OQ season stats beg to differ.

Okay? I could beg to differ that your opinion on shield tank is skewed seeing as you don’t really play them.

Rein should be used as the bar for where other tanks should be, stop lowering the bar.