Players ideas of tanking have become horribly distorted

You want me to post my 200 hours on Orisa? I only haven’t played her recently because she’s utterly terrible unless you’re paired with Sigma, which never happens.

Not that this has anything to do with role preference.

Idc, it doesn’t matter because they are just our OPINIONS.

Every role is going to complain about something being overpowered, We’ll see what happens in the experimental card, because I know tanks are next.


When there are several shield-break dps on opposing team, it’s easy to destroy any enemy barrier.

I think the only ones who complain are Widow mains, and any other DPS that doesn’t do shield break.

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It gets old having to go Soldier or even Bastion to apply some shield pressure.

Not easy to heal behind cover if your tanks are being aggressive. Nor is it easy to kill things when the entire enemy team is shooting at your face and you have maybe 1 second to confirm a kill and then you’re running for a medpack/support. Tanks need to be bullet sponges.

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Hmm, lots of other characters work. Zen is really good at shield break, not sure if Hanzo’s storm arrows qualify as shield break. At any rate, it depends a lot on one’s capacity to persuade team mates to solve problems one is not inclined to deal with personally.

Good luck with that, it’s one of the hardest things to do in Overwatch. :smiley:

I’ve mostly seen people complain that tanks do too much standing still. :confused:

I’m one of em. They never push up or make space for the team so it’s just a instant loss because the enemy DPS simply have more room to operate.

They are basically the same hero.

Thoughtful post. Couldn’t the same be said for healers, though maybe not to the same extent?

Sure, though it’s more about slippage from whether they bring healing and stuff, to worrying about their healing… but I think the nerfing of utility has led to a lot of that.

Even that is only very recent, since 2-2-2 I think where previously you took support for their utility first and foremost and Moira was generally considered bad for the lack of it.

I consider Tanks to be all about Map Control

Creating safe space for your team to work in, funneling enemies into chokes, denying area, things like that.

By my definition I consider Torb and Mei to be Tanks. And really they could and prob should be.

I still think some heroes have to be that, like Mercy, because the main thing they are focusing on is their staff or healing method, to be honest, i like playing the things people hate to play.

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Genji: Nanoblades
Lucio: Oh let’s break it DOWN
Genji: Angry mada mada noises
Lucio: : )

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