Player progression updates in Overwatch 2: Invasion

If you paid attention, you’d know that the reason behind the bans was because of the monetized gambling practices around them. A version of loot boxes where you can’t directly pay for them would cause no issues. I specifically said “a free version” to avoid having to clarify this to someone. You even quoted me saying it, dude… You have the gall to laugh at me when you’re not even paying attention.

Also hilariously wrong. Idk if the forums were as emphatic as a bunch of content creators’ YT/Twitch fanbases were at the time, but I was a (very small) part of it. I know for a fact it happened, I was there for it for months as creators and fans alike suggested it as a way to save the game and sustainably monetize it (you know, the reason for why OW is able to be F2P now).

For most of OW1 endorsements having existed, they were only useful for custom game lobbies that had a minimum endorsement level requirement set (which wasn’t very many of them, and it was never higher than level 2 or 3). Implementing loot box rewards for endorsement level was a very late addition to OW1, and it got scrapped alongside loot boxes. They could’ve at least replaced that reward with Coins, as I mentioned.

Read the other parts of my message, e.g., the part about GQO giving up on hoping his direct feedback gets heard and OWL pros having similar experiences.

Oh also the 2nd part of that quote…

… answers your question.

Go to the recent TF2 collab thread and you’ll see the links we posted about (1) Blizzard expressing wanting to collab with Valve on TF2 since IIRC March, and (2) Medic’s VA teasing it on Twitter.

Edit: ok nice I found the TF2 collab thread: Possible TF2 Crossover Incoming?


Since you totally borked the progression from OW1 to OW2, especially for console players, you didn’t even need to announce this.

We expect garbage, so hot steaming piles are no surprise.


Exactly, thank you for saying what I was too polite to put into words


The thing about loot boxes, free or not, is that they removed the entire loot box system as they transitioned to OW2.

I’d bet there would need to be a substantial effort to put them back in, as it integrates with other systems like the Hero Gallery. Not to mention there would be a lot of deliberation as to how to implement it in a new or interesting way. They wouldn’t want to just bring them back as an afterthought, and the ROI of player excitement is probably pretty low compared to the amount of effort to try and make it an exciting change.

Sure. The BP system was thought of by the community as a way to monetize, not a copycat tactic when Bobby saw the profits from other IPs. And don’t get me wrong, the BP system has been better than the loot boxes, but no one thought the loot box system would stick around alongside the BP system. It was very clear for months ahead of OW2 that the loot box system was going away.

Endorsements were added in June 2018, 2 years into Overwatch’s 6.5 year lifespan. Lootbox rewards were native to the feature when they were added.

That’s unfortunate. I guess some folks will be super excited for their Medic gun weapon charm.

Anything to line Bobby’s pockets, right? Maybe we’ll get some game improvements afterwards, surely… :Prayge:

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Endorsement level is useless. Next to no one actually uses it when you lose, and most don’t even use it when you win.


I will say, endorsing someone (and maybe being endorsed? idr offhand) does give BP XP, surprisingly that didn’t end up being an oversight from OW1 to OW2, but it’s so little BP XP that its usefulness is still very questionable at best.

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Not to keep this back and forth going much longer, but…

I addressed this with the next statement.

Giving an endorsement earns you 50 xp, so 100 xp per match, which is equivalent to the bonus you get for backfilling a match. You don’t get xp for receiving an endorsement.

Speaking of backfill. That used to be 400 xp when a level required 22,000 xp. Backfilling in OW2 rewards about 45% less xp when you consider a tier is only 10,000 xp. If backfilling in OW2 was as rewarding as OW1, it would be closer to 182 xp per backfilled match.


I can’t speak for every streamer, but Quake is the epitome of the streamer who had an open line, tried to use it (sparingly), almost always got ignored and always got spat on, and has long since given up.

dons tin foil condom

Did you miss the leaks?

Edit: Wait, do you mean some YTers already have gameplay featuring Illari? I’m not fully caught up on recent YT vids, so if that is the case, I haven’t seen them yet

They’re not out yet. The soonest they’ll release will probably be tomorrow, one week ahead of release.

Content creators like KarQ, Flats, and Emongg (among others) typically will have YT videos ready for the day the embargo lifts. The point I was making is that they are likely playing on the season 6 build when they aren’t streaming, and drafting YT videos, highlighting the new hero and other content. Much like how KarQ had this video about Lifeweaver released a full week ahead of the launch of Season 4:

When I addressed your quote above, I was pointing out that these content creators are likely playing the early build and drafting content now, so there is an open line of communication for content creators, they just can’t be transparent about it either due to their NDA.

We deleted levels to add it back but worse and we also wiped even OW2 progress LMAOOOOOOO


The part about (at the very least, content creators) having an open line of communication with the devs was indirectly referring back to when I said:

But even so, wouldn’t you appreciate some more transparency altogether after they peddled the Watchpoint Pack knowing damn well the PvE was already gutted?

The way I see it, even if you don’t care about anything PvE, they need to just be honest and up-front about their ridiculous decisions.

  • Refusing to nerf Sojourn for months while barely addressing it was ridiculous. Even if she wasn’t meta or was even underperforming in low ranks, that was still an unbalanced character in every rank for 2 different reasons.
  • Ghosting Quake (who, btw, has been nothing but polite and respectful to these @$$hole devs for years) is absolutely unacceptable. He wants their product to succeed as much as their bosses do. Hell, he’s the only Doom main I’ve seen praise the Tankfist rework while seemingly every other Doom main wishes they’d bring back DPS Doom.
  • Lying to their customers does not give them the right to treat their forums like a virus and call its users negative after they’ve created a negative environment for years.
  • Oh and what about the multiple times they got massive community-wide feedback not to push the McAss midair roll change to live and they did it anyway?

tbh if I kept listing even just the worst times they buried their heads in the sand, we’d be here all day.

I would love to see someone go into Quake’s stream and tell him “hey actually there is an open line of communication for content creators, so if you haven’t gotten through to them about how the game should be balanced and the dozens of bugs that infest the game then that’s your own fault”

You have to understand, there’s a difference between contractual content farming and an actual open line of communication. If there was actual game-related communication happening, and the devs cared about players’ opinions, things like the Cass nade rework would’ve gone very different.

First blue post in months and it’s to tell us you are taking more things away from us. Keep up the good work and show microsoft how mismanaged the company is.


Did they take away anything actually important?

Nothing is being removed. Some player icon rewards are being moved to a different challenge, so any progress you have towards those rewards is being effectively reset to the new challenge.

Lol no way something that hard would be a challenge.

Although, Bap’s cute spray challenge is pretty stupid too, so maybe.


No, it is just the point they have said they were going to give more communication with the community. It was more a jab at the fact they have had radio silence. I remember the days of having blue posts on random threads. Sometimes agreeing with things or clarifying stuff. Sometimes just getting in some friendly banter with the community. I miss the good old days like that.


I was figuring that challenge could make progress over multiple matches, not just one. We already know the new progression system will track individual abilities, so hitting a certain lifetime threshold of kills with a specific ability could feasibly be tracked and rewarded accordingly.

I think you’re referring to an achievement, not a challenge, when something needs to be done in one match.

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Even over multiple games, who is getting that many kills with an area control ult? You’d have to combo with Grav or something to make that work.

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