Possible TF2 Crossover Incoming?

The TF2 Medic’s VA just tweeted this


It’d make sense with OW coming to steam and all


The OW devs have expressed wanting to collab with TF2 since around March

TF2 fans are snobby about it for some reason, but it’s not like the TF2 devs are against collabs; hell, anyone remember the Battle Nations collab they did years ago? RIP that game.


I cant wait to see the TF2 community implode in on itself.



(I mean there’s always been a lot of overlap but yeah)

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I would like but its usually two communities which hate each other… but it would be very interesting as tf2 is pretty much the only real competitor that ow has on the genre.

Oh trust, it really is just the communities, and even then it’s really just the TF2 community tbh; the TF2 devs have always been super cool about collabs in the past, and the OW devs want a TF2+OW2 collab to happen soon. Maybe this tweet confirms it’s in the works as we speak!

BTW Boshy you should post this over in Overwatch TMZ if you haven’t already, along with an un-butchered version of this link:

https : //www . dexerto . com/overwatch/overwatch-2-devs-interested-in-team-fortress-2-collaboration-for-future-crossover-2089393/


I heard that the two teams hate each other so much that it has degenerated into IRL violence. I can’t confirm this though, but it was revealed to me in a dream

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I love tf2 and I once loved Ow (not too fond of it now) and i would love this collaboration. I really hope it happens, possibly before scream fortress so it doesnt steal this collab’s thunder.


I always knew bastion’s bird was just an Archimedes, maybe he finally shows up over here lol
But if it’s medic related, it almost has to bump elbows with Mercy.
But will it have more?

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If this was supposed to be a half-effort jab at my first message, 1 google search found proof of it, but the forums won’t let me post the link. Here, I’ll chop it up for you:

https : //www . dexerto . com/overwatch/overwatch-2-devs-interested-in-team-fortress-2-collaboration-for-future-crossover-2089393/

There, I edited my messages to be more “matter-of-fact” about it.

I never played TF2. I did download Open Fortress recently because that style of game seemed appealing to me. I havent had the chance to launch it yet though

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I should install TF2. I played it for so many years until meet your match came. It was my first online fps.

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Not most of us we love tastefull cross overs they are so much fun. I would no joke buy a sniper skin for widow and i dont even play widow

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Overwatch is still technically compitetion to TF2, and is the game that is getting active content updates.

which TF2 just recently after a long content draught got a map pack of a bunch of community made assets. Plus a community made gamemode that’s been around for years now.

Hi quality stuff but isn’t exactly consistent nor does it add new weapons. Or bug fixes.


Hell, once upon a time it felt like every game and their dog had a collab with TF2 where buying the game unlocked an item. Some of them (like the Deus Ex ones) were even full-on non-cosmetic weapons!


Me thinking of returning to TF2 and then OW follows me there.

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I loved it on Xbox, when I came back to PC and saw what it became I hated it. Honestly the whole changing abilities with items turns me right off. Give me vanilla, simple 2fort and a bunch of randoms having a good time over people turning into ice and stuff anyday.

Speaking in general for TF2 players - but not all of them - I’d say it’s kind of a juvenile, y’know, “we don’t want to play with the gross kids” kind of mentality. The other kids don’t even need poor hygiene or whatever. They just don’t like those kids.

It’s kinda like how nobody asked for a TF2 addition to the Steam release of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. It wasn’t in TF2, and it didn’t technically hurt anything, but… ew and why?

Used to like 2fort at launch but i usually love playing pl_upward 24/7 and sometimes plr_hightower and Thunder Mountain. Playing on Turbine is nice as well. It’s a challenge to take out the sentries.

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tracer - scout

pharah - soldier

rat - demo

mercy - medic

widow - sniper

mei - pyro

zarya - heavy

torb - engi

sombra - spy

these are the only right answers for skins