As we wrap up this season and head into Overwatch 2: Invasion, we’d like to share some information regarding hero lifetime challenges.
Right now, there are lifetime challenges for each of the heroes, and completing those challenges unlocks player icons. These lifetime challenges and player icons will be integrated into the new player progression system when Overwatch 2: Invasion launches, but any current progress on these lifetime challenges will not transfer over into the new player progression system.
You will keep any previously earned rewards from completing the lifetime challenges moving into the new system. You can still complete the hero lifetime challenges until the end of season five.
We’re super stoked to introduce our new player progression system when Overwatch 2: Invasion launches on August 10!
Any chance you guys will implement mouse and keyboard support on console?
What about Mac support? I think it would be amazing if you guys supported more platforms like this!
I’m also super stoked for the game to release on Steam and was wondering about Steam Deck compatibility and whether the game would have aim assist? Presumably not because it’s going to be the PC version but wouldn’t it be cool if there was a way to detect that the player was on a Steam Deck and enable aim assist accordingly (provided a mouse and keyboard is not plugged in)?
Not only did legacy progress back to 2016 not count, but now it’s getting wiped again since October 2022 and every subsequent new hero? Lmao.
I should have silhouettes for all original heroes through release of OW2 just according to my player profile. I have almost 2000 hours in this game, and that’s just what my profile says. The game didn’t track time in at least the entire first year IIRC.
For clarity, you’re referring to the “Icons” section of the “Hero” challenges, yes? “Lifetime” challenges include “Win 500 games in [Arcade, Deathmatch, Mystery Heroes]”. Will those be affected by the new changes?
Seriously ? Player icons are gonna be the only reward and nothing else is revealed for the WAIT FOR IT WAIT FOR IT …
so its gonna be just a UI update to put the hero lifetime challenges (x wins with y hero and nothing else) and hero icons + reset the challenge progress . WOW I love it , I am totally gonna reinstall OW2 for this and put in all my social network accounts and also have all my friends install and play it .
My question is if we finished the win 10 out of 15 games with XX hero does the progression start back at 0 of 15 wins or do I only need to win 5 more to get the 15? For instance I just hit 10 wins on Torb… say I win 2 more before the update and am at 12/15 wins.
It’s very likely going to be a 0/15 equivalent. We don’t know exactly what the new hero progression system will look like in terms of unlockables like player icons, so it may be something like “play 30 games, wins count as 2” or something different like “get 15 kills while using molten core”.
I think the reason they are noting the current progress will not transfer is because it’s a different set of requirements. For the icons you already have unlocked, the new system will still reset and say 0/30 or whatever as a clean slate, but the icon will already be unlocked via legacy.
Welp. Let’s hope there’s a bit more to this so-called “progression” system then “unlock some icons using a system that’s been in the game since the start. BTW, we’re deleting your progress.”
Haha, who am I kidding? This is OW2. Expect nothing, get less, and that’ll be $20 in the cash shop, please.
They specifically mean the challenges that earn you the player icons, such as the old anniversary ones for each individual heroes, which you get for winning x number of games with each hero.
No one said that’s all that’s going to be a part of this progression system. The screenshots they’ve shown off look fairly robust, and I think one of the Devs mentioned new titles through the system, as well.
Lol, can’t figure this out while charging $30-40 for a skin, this is what happens when you lose your morals and focus only on profit, you guys are grasping for air and this season isn’t going to be your savior, that ship has sailed the minute you started lying to us, garbage.
first levels get removed now that gets removed as well
I don’t care much about progression, but what sense is there in having progression if you people keep removing it?
This new system is probably getting scrapped for OW3 again, then another one will get added in OW3.2 to replace it.
I know it’s just the current progress that gets removed, but still, read the room Blizzard.
I’m honestly struggling to find (polite) words. Why not give us some actual good exciting news once in a while? It wouldn’t excuse all the horrible balance decisions and the systematic lying, scamming, & gaslighting of your customers & other stakeholders, but at least it’s something. This isn’t.
Are you guys gonna collaborate with pros & streamers to find a real solution to the matchmaking complaints? How about to fix the hero balance? GetQuakedOn and the OWL pros have all but given up on you guys burying your heads in the sand.
Will a free version of loot boxes come back? When we as a community asked for a battle pass, it was assumed that loot boxes would stay. The system for them was nearly perfect at the end of OW1. Endorsement level was finally more useful for a while.
Why do we even still have endorsements if loot boxes are gone? Is there at least any plan to periodically reward players with Coins based on their Endorsement Level, as was done in OW1 with loot boxes?
Can we get some transparency? Will we get an open line of communication at some point, at least for the pros and content creators?
Is a TF2 collab coming or not? (Frankly, we shouldn’t have to hype ourselves up and gaslight ourselves for artificial hype just because we’re tired of you guys doing it.)
lol, no. Loot boxes are banned in some countries, which is why they transitioned away.
The community didn’t ask for a battle pass. We only hoped it would be better than how their competitors set up battle passes (it wasn’t).
Not sure what you mean by useful. Like, they’re good at seeing who is a new player at a glance, but that’s about it. Considering a loot box is the rough equivalent of 100 coins, it would be nice to see 100-500 coins based on endorsement level, but that would be far too generous if they’ve kept the seasonal coin earnings down to half a battle pass.
Transparency about what, exactly? We know that the new season is about to drop. You notice how many streamers have cut back in the last few days? Pretty sure they’re happily in an open line of communication, as they’ve probably been playing the new season under NDA to have YT videos ready for the new hero and content when it drops in 8 days.
I hope not. I’d rather they didn’t collab. And I don’t think there was any official word on what their next collab will be.