So over 50% of our player base are in silver and gold… why do you think that number statistic is accurate? Well let’s see we got levers smurf cheaters and throwers. Sum up the question why most of the players would never reach diamond. So we are listening to the community right blizzard who are you guys listening to because you’re not listening to your entirely Community Based only the ones that bring in revenues to your company let’s talk about that. Patches that is being released on this game may not be a suitable for every console whatever happened to PTR in OverWatch 1? But some of us enjoy the game to relieve our stress of today’s world problems and all you guys do is introduce more problems into our universe. If this is a team-based game you need to listen to your entire community that is from bronze all the way to top 500. Do not let these top 500 players tell you guys how to run your games as well don’t let these bronze players tell you how to run the game Run statistic get someone into these mattress to see exactly what’s going on and what can be handled in this situation that is tearing your game and Community apart
I read this, but I don’t understand what you’re talking about.
For parts of it, though, most players will never reach diamond because that’s how skill distribution works. It’s a Bell curve. Anytime someone wins, someone else loses, and only those above average are going to win enough to climb higher than average.
Blizz does listen to the community, but they can’t make every match great for everyone at every rank as long as people with different mentalities exist. Some can’t have fun without winning no matter how good the game is, and devs can’t fix that.
You cannot make the game perfectly balanced across such massive differences in skill and abilities of the players across the various ranks, not in 1 set of rules, if at all.
They would need to have separate unique patches for every 2 sets of ranks at most, if not for each and every rank. Spoiler warning They aren’t going to do that
Actually, Gold and Platinum are the most populated ranks, respectively. Silver follows, then Diamond. The Bronze rank population is similar to that of Masters and above.
What you’re saying isn’t exactly new, but how do you imagine that would work?
How is Blizzard supposed to manage listening to two completely different skill levels that have totally different issues?
How are they supposed to do that when they don’t even know how to design their heroes anymore, now that everything is based around DPS?
I don’t feel that is accurate. Where did you get that number from?
But then that doesn’t explain how people are facing those same issue and reaching far beyond Diamond.
I have no idea why they don’t use the PTR anymore. But, if I were to hazard a guess, I’d say it was linked to them firing a whole bunch of QA testers. No point in having a PTR without QA people to assess the data collected.
Comp Rank is artificial and pre-determined. It isn’t an evaluation of skill and likely you can swap most silver/gold players with plat/diamond and no one would know the difference. The only reason they say there’s a major difference is because they want to feel that they’ve earned something that they really didn’t.
Read patch notes and it clearly states that as you win more, they start adding more people who are consistently losing to your team. That’s the hard stuck effect. You are purposely kept in low metal ranks by their matchmaking to keep the top ranks from being flooded with people. Masters isn’t so special if everyone can get there, so it’s gated.
Because Jeff said so a while ago and there’s no reason to believe he was lying. The numbers likely changed a bit with the rank changes in S10 or whenever it was, but it’s likely still roughly the same.
I have zero clue what the rest of your rambling means, but it is what it is.
It’s old, sure, but there’s no reason to believe it changed at all during the entirety of OW1, not much reason to believe it changed during most of OW2 and some reason to believe it changed a bit since they added Champion and reshuffled ranks recently.
Maybe it’s 40% now, maybe it’s 60%, but it’s still in the right ballpark.
I just read 50% are in silver and gold, not that they are the most populated. But I also didn’t really understand the following 90% of what that guy is talking about.