Play-test a Sombra idea

Cool, if it’s unappealing for you then don’t play her.

I have already been testing some changes with Sombra that I think would make her all around better with workshop. Most people I have played with seem to like the idea and how it played for the most part. They just didn’t like the reduced run speed.

Basically the idea is this. Make her like a rogue in WoW. First the nerfs. Lower her health pool to 150. Lower her clip size by like half. Change it so outside of stealth is where she gets her run speed boost. But when she goes into stealth she walks slower than all other heroes. Like she is sneaking up on an enemy. Also don’t completely remove her footsteps in stealth just highly lessen them. They only go away completely when she crouch walks in stealth. Also lower her fall off range to something like Reapers where she has to be damn near point blank to do good damage. This is all to balance what comes next.

Now the buffs. Remove cool down on restealth. As long as she is not being shot she can restealth at will. Here is the big change. Increase her damage to an insanely high level at point blank range for a second after she pops out of stealth, like by 500% or more increased damage, and increase her headshot multiplier to something like widows. Then increase her damage by 50% more if she is behind them when she is shooting them. But after the second is up she will have to port out as her damage buff will leave her and she will be back to doing the least amount of damage among the DPS bracket in the game along with only having as much health as Tracer.

These changes make her more like an assassin. She sneaks into their back-line. Pops up behind a squishy, downs them in a second, and pops out before anyone knows what happen. Wait for her buff cool down to reset and go again. Maybe add a 10 second reset to the buff part of exiting stealth. So she will have to wait at least 10 seconds before she can instantly delete another squishy. On top of having to sneak up behind them to do it.

Almost like Gamesense/timing/positioning ARE skills. Not to mention she still requires aim too.

Somehow you’re still not getting the basic premise of the thread. Reducing her spread enhances her use of Stealth. The whole point here is decoupling increased damage, regardless of the increased damage method, with the use of Stealth. What she is not supposed to have is based on how uncreatively you think. Her utility becomes a separate aspect of her “kit” she can trade off for double damage. While Hack is still available it will be slower with the animation and she cannot go invisible to have the damage available. The idea can be developed even further by Hack disabling Akimbo putting it on cooldowns.

The intent is to expand Sombra’s gameplay into a utility/damage duality. I don’t believe there is a constraint aside from a lack of imagination.

So make her footsteps louder during the Akimbo increased speed effect. And/or have her start talking to herself if she isn’t moving.

What’s funny is how nonsensical this line of thought is. It’s something disgruntled Sombra mains have dreamt up. Whether she is permanently invisible or hiding to time her invisibility runs the result is the same - she is equally toxic to her opponents and the Sombra player has the same level of timing choice. There is nothing dynamic about it, you just want her to be reverted and by making her more active buffed. You’re the ones whining. She’s your hero and she’s kept in the dumpster. To make matters worse the OWL sometimes uses her, which makes buffing her with her playstyle even more controversial.

Don’t be silly :roll_eyes:

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She’s one of the most Underpowered heroes as Dps on Ladder, so… yeah? Lol?

True, yet she’s also one of the most reviled heroes when she becomes any good. That’s the whole problem. Her playstyle is her core issue. Buffing her without changing it is unlikely to settle her in a healthier spot. The best you may be able to hope for is that she becomes less underpowered and doesn’t attract enough ire from everyone else.

By the way, what was the reasoning of the developers for the changes they have made to her?

Which changes are you referring to? Also “She’s a hated hero” is a very dumb reason to keep her underpowered. Mei is annoying but she has been doing extremely well. And she is p much universally hated aswell

It’s very debatable how dumb of a reason it is, especially from a developer’s perspective. The important thing is that it may be the actual reason. Sombra at the power level Mei has been recently would do something to this community I’m having trouble putting in words.