Play-test a Sombra idea

If waiting behind the wall for 4-5 seconds additionally to what she does now is altering her playstyle… tbh dude there are a lot of people who enjoy Sombra me included in her current playstyle (which is far from repetitive I couldn’t put half my playtime into something repetitive). We want changes but changes that address her actuall problems which is neither dmg nor hack but downtime.

The only thing this change does in that regard is increase downtime which obviously alot of people don’t like.

If you don’t like Her then maybe She is just not your Hero if you want someone with Two guns that goes into the enemy back and kills pleps then Pick Tracer.

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Waiting behind a wall is merely one possibility similar to how she currently pops out of Stealth and hopefully unlikely to be too effective. I don’t understand why you’re preoccupied with this when the shift is clearly toward a fighting presence when Stealth isn’t as much of a factor. I think your lame-Tracer criticism was at least more honest.

Let’s get something clear. “You”, the dedicated Sombra players, are an exceedingly tiny minority. You play one of the worst and least popular heroes in this game despite these facts. Activity - quality activity - is something clearly improved with this idea. It comes at the cost of not popping out of Stealth on top of heroes. This seems pretty fair. What you want to do is increase the frequency of popping out of Stealth wherever you want. Maybe some of the current Sombra players agree with you, but that is hardly what the hero needs. The developers keep her as trash or niche for a reason and are reluctant to amplify her current playstyle.

There you go. The problem is only “you” like her, a very tiny minority.

A Heroes Popularity (Atleast in terms of Pickrate) is almost proportional to there Strenght compared to other Heroes because Sombra is weak she doesn’t get played its as simple as that.

You still haven’t explained this.

With these changes what can I do more than I couldn’t before?
Play Aggressively? Can do that Already with TL.
Get more kills? Not her Job tbh and Her weapon is already good enough.
have more fun? With a Clunky thing like this hell no it just adds to the Frustrations.

Which is already a bad idea tbh unless there like >33% health or something you can easily dual (Not much tbh).
In any other case popping out of stealth closer then like 10m is just Stupid.

Nothing fair about this getting a clunky weird Passive and not actually making her less annoying or fixing any Problems with her on anyone that Hates her.

Na I want her to get faster from doing Job1 to doing Job2 Which are mobility increases, not Cast time decreases.
What I want to be done to the Cloak and decloak cast are that the Speedbuff she receives from Stealth are already applied in Cloak and Decloak (Instead only after Cloak and stop immediately when beginning to decloak

Downtime Reduction is what she needs reducing the Casttime of Cloaking and uncloaking doesn’t do that really (At least by so little it doesn’t matter) and I have not once expressed wanting that (Tho there are some people that do want that)
What does do that is increase her speed in stealth and putting it back to its Time-limited versions/ on a New Recoursmeter.

Well about 100% of that reason is that they don’t want to buff hack or her dmg which they shouldn’t because neither of those are a problem.

Considering the only two things we have are

  1. Pickrates (Which as Stated above don’t actually show how fun a Hero is)
  2. The reactions to Sombra “Buff” Posts which either are received good or not liked because "Sombra is annoying

You have literally no bases to think that any number of People find her not to be fun when in reality even if we may or may not be the majority (Which most Heroes don’t have lets be honest) that find her fun aslong as its a big part of the playerbase (Which it is) there is no problem.

And who says that your Changes (That make her more clunky and less uniqe) make her more exciting for other players? What’s your bases (That apparently only you and your friend can see)

Against there are 31 Heroes in the game its impossible for all to be liked by the
majority of the Playerbase. So if you don’t like one Hero just take another one instead of ruining it for the People that actually like and know how Said Hero works.

You should stop using the word clunky as you misunderstand its meaning. Your idea with the Stealth resource meter and the Overcharge is as clunky as any other. Sombra is weak because her playstyle is especially toxic to her opponents. You’re trying to make that playstyle stronger, this idea tries to round it out. For whatever reason you refuse to understand or acknowledge this.

Your affinity for Sombra’s cheap playstyle may be valid but puts the hero in a difficult spot to balance. While cheap characters may be fun to play they aren’t fun to play against. Obviously you want to make her stronger by reducing her downtime. For her opponents that means her popping up out of nowhere more frequently and hacking and/or trying to kill them while having an easy escape. There is an undeniable asinine quality to this.

Everyone knows how Sombra works. You’re one of the few people wanting her to be strong in that way. People like you who lose sight of the forest among the trees do indeed exist. This doesn’t mean your perspective is in accordance with the greater good.

The fairness lies in buffing a weak hero away from what makes her toxic to play against and gets in the way of her being buffed. The less annoyance lies in the fact that upon exiting Stealth she can at most harass you unless you’re missing a substantial amount of health. Otherwise you can check for her or see/hear her coming. What you propose makes her more annoying as she would have less downtime between her Stealth based engagements.

The root problem being addressed is the cheapness of her playstyle. While it’s unique invisibility + speed and teleportation out make her detestable. Not much counter-play unless you move in a ball or are constantly swiveling around shooting at air. You are unlikely to kill her, just deter her. The only reason she isn’t much of a topic is because she’s weak, as she has been for much of her existence you would have to admit intentionally. In part consequently she isn’t that much fun to play either. As Sombra is and has been she’ll always have a serious downside. The only way you address this is by altering her playstyle.

The ironic thing about Sombra is that despite having a relatively unappealing playstyle that is toxic to her opponents and reflected in the chronic and intentional weak state of the hero there are a few people who play her and care enough to respond to Sombra threads unwilling to change much of anything essential about her. Sombra is clearly a hero with primarily a playstyle problem, not a power level problem. Some people just don’t want to admit this.

These Sombra players are self-selected showing a special affinity for the hero. They have little appreciation for what playing against Sombra is like and are committed to her unpopular playstyle. Few play her, she is widely despised, and the developers do not allow her to be good and have widespread use. To be a Sombra main is to be a unicorn. In other words, she has a failed design. Listening to Sombra mains may seem common sense but it’s the opposite of what should be done. Furthermore, this change they want to make her more active appears to be defended with the argument that it will also make her more predictable and thus better to play against. The simple counter-argument is that Sombra players can time her pushes irregularly and vary their targets too. Their desired change is a mere reversion to a previous state of the hero, a buff, not a fix to any of her problems. Typically unimaginative.


One, the third quote was meant to describe her playing style, which it does. Two, just because Sombra under your idea would have the potential to shoot her gun more often she’ll still be shooting it by far least of all, waiting, running around invisible, and teleporting out. Her playstyle is lame. It can be fun, although there isn’t much that isn’t fun if you’re winning, but it’s lame. She’s a cheap low skill hero relying on “game sense”. What’s happening in Sombra threads is that a minuscule vocal minority currently maining her is driving the discussion. Naturally these are self-selected players who play a hero who is one of the worst from multiple angles. It may seem like such players would best know what’s good for Sombra but I would argue such players may know worst what’s good for Sombra. They are basically asking for a reversion of a hero that has always had problems and trying to rationalize that if she is reverted she would be less toxic to play against. The only thing they are really asking is for her to be stronger the way she essentially is, which inevitably runs into the contempt of those playing against her.

Gengu has been around for eons but I don’t know how to play him as efficiently as Sombra. Same with Hanzo and Hog, and that’s my own personal problem, nothing to do with their kits.

People can still take heroes that were around since launch and not know hot to play with their kit. It’s not a reflection of the kit but that individual player.

The difference between those heroes and Sombra is that they require skill. Sombra at most requires “thinking” and familiarity. Some of you have found a home with Sombra and have twisted your deficiencies into Sombra being the most complex hero in the game or any such meaningless nonsense.

I would say Hog and Sombra require about the similar amount of ‘skill’, let’s be real. Also, I don’t think she is the most complex hero, tbh none of the heroes are that complex, I just suck with Genji because well I dislike the play-style and most of the playerbase I’ve met. I suck with Hanzo because my aim with bows in most games is ‘eh’, and I suck with Hog because I’ve never really bothered to learn his ‘common tips and tricks lol’. These are things I accept about reality, most people refuse to admit such things.

Sombra is more ‘gotta be sneaky’ and it does require ‘thinking’. Which target is vulnerable to hack rn? Is it worth the hack? Will it get a kill or prevent a team wipe? Is it worth it to try and stall this point with Sombra tactics or just set up for next part? But I mean most heroes also have similar things they need to do and ‘think’ about.

She’s not everyone’s cup of tea, I find her really fun [and sometimes funny] to play though and I personally can work well with her kit. It’s not my fault others can’t and thus think she’s a bad character.

I also think a lot of it has to do with the fact that despite her ‘damage’ title she’s not often the big damage dealer [unless the Sombra is A+ tier or the rest of the team absolutely sucks] and doesn’t often get POTG’s.

I would like it if her stealth and translocator still had time constraints and they buffed her around that.

That would increase her damage way too much. She would be beyond broken if she could consistently duel damage heroes that rely on primary fire damage over abilities due to her having an extremely high dps.
She would also melt tanks with ease with the changes you’re suggesting. At 50% increased dps, her DPS would only be 15% lower than Reaper’s.
People like to think that her DPS is low because her spread is high, but her DPS is the same as Bastion in recon mode; 160. For reference, McCree deals 166 and Soldier 180.

Just no.

Nice try but try again lol.

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Seriously why would you write that here 19 days later? It’s very senseless, you could have at least made a new topic.

This thread is over a month old.

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Her damage is strongly dependent on proximity to her target. If these numbers are correct I don’t see anything wrong with the buff. It is tied to Sombra being visible. She gains a legitimate team fighting aspect dissociated with and at the expense of damage coming out of Stealth. It’s pretty obviously balanced. Furthermore, why are you ignoring the second variation of her damage output, the +34% one as opposed to +50%?

Her range is far better than Tracer or Reaper. She can still deal damage fairly effectively at 15m or so. A lot of people just believe that you’re supposed to play Sombra at the same range as Tracer, which is wrong.

214 DPS without headshots is still extremely high for her utility. She relies on her abilities to shut down targets relying on abilities. She’s not supposed to have high raw damage output. Reducing her spread would be far better as it would reward good mechanical skill without letting her out-DPS heroes that rely on primary fire instead of utility.

No, it’s pretty obvious how it’s attempted to be balanced. There are many places on all maps where she could just sneak up behind the enemy team and hide for a few seconds between teamfights.

It’s funny how people whine about invis, when really it encourages a 5v6… Just give back her timers so she can be dynamic again and buff her kit lol

The way you talk about the hero makes it clear you just don’t like her.

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