Play support against doomfist

what a terrible experience… only moira is viable against this trash dps design?

what is the point blizzard? on what world a massive movement hero with high dmg and 3 cc posibilitys is a good idea?


It is because his fireball sucks, he needs proper unga bunga to compete with the top tiers.


Overwatch game design for ya.


Believe me soldier and sym are getting destroyed as bad as Zen by him.


I think Soldier gets destroyed harder than most supports to be perfectly honest.


I know I’m not the only one but I have a ton of fun playing against Doomfists as an Ana main. I broke into diamond with Ana and Mei way back before Mei was meta and when Doom was at his strongest having all his movement exploit and original CD’s and airlocks in place.

He was the biggest hurdle being extremely meta at the time to actually ranking up.

Instead complain and what not I learned how to deal with him and how to save my CD’s for his engagement. I also found it silly how everyone claimed Dooms ult was instant death to Zen or Ana when map geometry could be used to counter his Ult quite easily.

Zen’s the only hero without a real counter to Doom and even he can still blow a Doomfist up if he times a well charged Volley into his fat head. (also if you know Doomfists dive locations keeping him marked 24/7 ruins him)


Yes if you don’t have any real mobility or a cc ability you are dead meat for him.


Moira, Mercy, Lucio, Brig.



what a terrible experience…only charged Zarya is viable against this trash dps design?

what is the point blizzard? on what world a massive damage hero with self healing and a retreat ability is a good idea?

(I’m sorry)


Mercy is easy to escape, Ana is a hard target if she doesn’t blow cooldowns, Brig is a good counter, Moira is a good counter, Bap is a good counter if you position correctly.
Only support doom bodies consistently is Zen

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hog can one shot reaper, Zarya can melt reaper, Rein can shield him while his team kills him, ball can press e and get away can matrix boop and escape.


Brig, Lucio and Moira all do well against him


I know there are more characters who have a chance to finish him (and no I’m not talking about escaping as Ball or but in his post he also said that Moira is the only one whe can deal with doom (even when she is actually a bad pick because of his health) so I also needed to write one tank.
You just didn’t got the joke lol

You can whipshot and stun him with Brigitte, you can boop and hop into walls as Lucio, you can superjump as Mercy when he punches you making him waste a precious cooldown, you can Fade away as Moira, you can sleep him as Ana in every single ability he uses (you can even sleep him after his ult since all his movements are predictable), you can throw a IF as Baptiste in the closest wall to counter his combo or use his superjump.

And with Zenny… well you can ult against him :pensive:

Imagine a doom player himself gets 4.4k peak on support during doom meta. I can sleep a doom how cant you, do you just throw away your sleeps? Or are you a mercy player that sits in a bad position?

I don’t like playing against him as Ana. It keeps ending with me dying and a sleeping Doomfist where I was standing.


It’s not like supports are meant to duel him one on one, the problem is, when you’re support and he sees you, you know that you’ll die. Especially if you’re Zen for example with literally 0 escape abilities. Or you’re Mercy and fly away to a teammate but he follows you because when he charges his punch it’s not like Reinhardt who engages on the charge and then has a limited control over his course and you can reasonably get out of his way, no, he can follow you with the cursor and instantly charge at you wherever you are. And you’re Mercy but the closest teammate is like only 15 meters away so you’re already whipping out your sidearm ready to defend yourself for when he follows you but then he just punches you into a wall and you just simply die on impact.

Or you’re Ana and your only chance is to land that one single sleep on him while all his abilities against you are very much more forgiving and he has three separate ones to use against you.

I get it that he’s not totally easy to play and that he has this skill curve and I’m not saying he should be nerfed or anything. But man when he’s diving for my supports, it sure as hell feels amazing to peel him off of them and gun him down.


Than why force zen. People dont realize doom does a ok job of killing zen after the nerfs. Pharah, hanzo, ashe, mecree, hog, and etc do the same to him.

i mean yeah if youre 1v1ing them, a dps should be winning, theyre designed to eliminate. if you see which one will heal more, its the healer. Don’t understand, it’s a team game, the tanks and dps would protect the support against the red doomfist. Moira has no utility, so she has that escape. Mercy can escape too, and can travel longer with the GA, but it takes more time, its balanced. Fast movement and high dmg is fun, and it counters burst healing.

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Of course I swap out of Zen if Doom is hunting me but I don’t like rock-paper-scissors countering.