Play support against doomfist

brig stun boop, ana sleep and self heal, lucio boop and mobility, zen poke and discord on doom, moira fade, mercy has her ga to get away, bap has an immo and a jump. I didnt count any peel from anyone. Doom can be hard to deal with but if u have good positioning it really comes easy. In most low ranks ur healers just stand behind he tanks and afk but rotating around the map proactively is how all healers play. Watch a ml7, ryuj, or sleepy vod and look at how they rotate. Its harder on zen no doubt but thats what flankers do, they are good against zens. Just discord and poke doom before he can get to u to let ur dps and tanks have an easier time to finish him off. Zen also needs to rotate and that is the coolest part about his kit. You need expert positioning. One of the best designed heroes in the game no doubt.

Picking Moira against Doom isn’t “I need to kill Doom”, it’s more like “I don’t want to die instantly to Doom”. Lucio and Brig, heck even Ana are far better suited to directly dealing with Doom.

I used to enjoy fighting Dooms as Brig, before her 840 nerfs


Did you even read my post lmao

doom is bap’s biggest counter. uppercut and rp put him out of immortality and regen burst as well as his primary fire aren’t able to fight back effectively against him. moira is not a counter, only a way to not killed by him, however he can still easily rp you after fade is on cooldown


I mean…

Ana sleepdart can shot him down easily and it’s easier to hit cuz of his big hit-box.

Brig can stun cancel his combo or just boop him away to mess up his combo.
While also you should give pre-Repair to a squishy teammate who you are expecting that he/she will get flanked by Doom.

Baptiste’s Exo-Boots can dodge at least one of Doom’s abilities plus the Doom has to flank like a ninja from behind otherwise Baptiste range poke-dmg can actually make him low HP enough that your team can one-tap him. Also it’s true that Doom can do stuffs against Immortality Field, but sometimes it sure can make his job much harder.

Heck even Lucio can mess up both your Uppercut and your Slam combo if the Lucio is a teamplayer and he stays close to his team to boop you. While also it’s really hard to land Doom’s abilities on him when he wallrides and also he is the fastest hero in the game so can get away easily.

And like You said Moira can dodge , get away into safety.

So overall:

  • only Zen and Mercy are the only ones who are helpless when Doom flanks them (althou even they can have a chance: either if you are a God JJonak pupil and can land headshots on Doom or if you are lucky and you can get away with a superjump as Mercy but ofc these are super rare).

  • Moira and Baptiste are somewhat weak against him or just average.

  • Ana, Brig, Lucio can mess with him if you are good enough.

And i’m saying all of these things as an Ana/Bap main.

Althou i’m not saying that it’s a fun experience to play against Doom but you cannot say that no support hero can stand against him.
(Also playing against any flanker hero is not a fun experience.)

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On same world, where massive movement hero with high healing and death-prevention is a bad idea.

Just fly into sky, luckily he can only jump.

Making someone fall asleep can’t deny laws of physics. Worst case scenario you could be killed by Doomfist’s corpse, after he died during punch.

And with Zenny you can just respawn in 10 seconds.

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Sigh let’s go into the guide of how to survive as every support against doomfist (except zen)
Moira faith away
Brig stun and boop
Mercy fly away
Lucio wall ride and boop. You should always be wall riding anyway
Ana sleep or nade in the middle of his combo

Switch off…
Press F for zen

Wheneveer I play Zen I just position on any highground imaginable and doom can go…you know what.
Can’t land a slam on me, and then all it takes is dodging his punch, which is, not hard…

Zen benefits from highground greatly - Doom get’s countered by highground = ez

Same with Ana

Dive tanks is what i fear on supports like Ana and zen, not Doom X) , the guy that’s disabled by 101 positioning - which is “take the highground”

People also forget that Zen has insane range for orbs.

Well brig also is viable against Doom (By typing this ,I am in no way supporting that doom is fun to play against.All this reply suggest is that you missed a point in your topic and i am totally innocent )

Have you ever heard of sleep dart, fade, boop, stun, knockback?
They kinda hard counter him.

With Ana you sleep him. With Brig you stun him. It isn’t that hard. Zen is the only support he hard counters.

All but one of those is getting a duration nerf btw, so that’s an indirect buff to him :’)

tbf Sym gets destroyed by nearly everyone.

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Doomfist cannot catch a Mercy that knows how to move which is why we keep telling you all that her movement is her skill experession. But on the other hand, whod want to play Mercy in her current state. I’m almost convinced I can get more value than Mercy can for 5 minutes if I just manage to survive for 1 minute as Ana

You need to sit down and write down the difference between counter and has a chance in hell to escape, shrieking like a little girl

I still remember someone trying to explain to me that mercy is one of the doomfist counters because she can fly away…
Thats not how it works… escape is not countering. With that mentality genji would counter most things in the game XD

Staying in spawn counters doomfist don’t you know? Zen is saved, back to S tier he goes

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Well, Moira, and Brigitte, and Lucio, and to some extent Mercy.