So in beta role q i end up as tank in Diamond. As dps around 3.3.
Ive just made now my 5 placements. I won all 5 matches by a complete stomp.
Rly this matches were 6-11 mins. Ive got every single match as zarya gold dmg/elims and i got placed in gold xD? I guess thats why they were complete stomps.
Just to say ive never been in gold since the launch of ow. I end up on master most of the seasons. I started this game already in plat.
EDIT: There was a GM reinhardt in the enemy team placed as Gold LOL
Well if there’s a bug that doesn’t allow you to place at your rank, then who says it’ll allow you to climb to your rank? Obviously this needs to be fixed as it’s an unintended flaw.
If this system were working properly, then yeah. Definitely! I did read that some of them were getting only 2 SR for wins though before comp was shut down. The system is pretty messed up at the moment.