Just wanna tell a little story of my SR journey and a problem with the Ranked system. If this problem is a byproduct of a better overall design, that’s fine, just wanna share my story.
I got this game the thanksgiving before last. (PC)
Never played it before except a couple of times on Xbox, but I did follow overwatch news. I had a mac and not a PC. I’m an old WoW RBG player. I’m not a big FPS fan but I do like Dungeons and Dragons/Hero type stuff.
Grinded out my LvL 25 and jumped into Comp. I think I went 6-4 on my initial placements. Placed 2160. Over about a month I dropped all the way to 1000SR then finally to 850SR. All the while I was pretty much only playing Mercy and a little Lucio. The highest I could get with these guys was about 1250.
I said screw it and went DPS. and I finally got gold then broke my career high. I play a little tank too.
So my complaint is that they gave me a 2160SR placement when I didn’t deserve it.
I suggest they make sure you win at least 20 games before giving you an SR.
there is a post somewhere in competitive discussion that talks about research done showing that new accounts tend to place around mid gold on first season unless you are superbad or super good in which case you can place plat or below gold but the majority of the tests suggest most people are defaulted(new players on first season). I wish i could find the post
Most people place gold because most people are average. It has nothing to do with it being a new account. I’ve placed masters on a new account, which is where I am on my main.
The ability to win games can’t be measured until you play because it’s an unquantifiable, ephemeral collection of qualities that can be developed if the player is willing to take ownership of their own shortcomings, but it can’t be “scored.”
If you’re able to hold your new rank, then it sounds like you improved some of your skills - if you can’t hold it, keep at it! Even the pros are constantly working at self-improvement - in fact, that’s the major trait that defines a professional. That means not blaming other people for your failures, not blaming “the system,” not blaming fluffy features that would be nice to have but you don’t “need.” It means not blaming anything except yourself.
I initially placed silver not knowing anything about the game. It’s my first fps btw. Then i tried lots of quickplay and the next season i placed bronze even though the bronze season had better stats, more elims, less deaths, better accuracy. I dont remember the placements but i remember feeling confused that i got worse? I dont think anyone knows how precise comp mmr, not to say i’m gm but the system is against me but that question has always been at the back of my mind. How could my second season place me in a lower tier than my first season when statistically I was better? Doesnt matter since i’m silver now anyway though
??? lol I’m not making any hoops for you to jump through, it’s just the nature of a competitive system. If you don’t have a competitive mindset, you won’t understand.
The ability to win games can’t be measured until you play because it’s an unquantifiable, ephemeral collection of qualities that can be developed if the player is willing to take ownership of their own shortcomings, but it can’t be “scored.”
If you’re able to hold your new rank, then it sounds like you improved some of your skills - if you can’t hold it, keep at it! Even the pros are constantly working at self-improvement - in fact, that’s the major trait that defines a professional. That means not blaming other people for your failures, not blaming “the system,” not blaming fluffy features that would be nice to have but you don’t “need.” It means not blaming anything except yourself.
I made an alt to test this out and it placed me in gold (like 2300 I think) after going like 8-2 in placements. I’m a low diamond on my main so I easily climbed back to diamond that same season. The system isn’t very good at initially finding your rank but after a while it places you where you belong. I have three different accounts all within less than 100 sr of each other after about 100 games of comp. My third account was placed at 2100 sr (I don’t remember my placements), but it’s weird I got a 200 sr difference after placements for the same player.
totally agree but look at my specific case. I had that 2160 career high hanging over my head when I didn’t even deserve it in the first place. Not a big deal, but worth noting.
welcome to 850…u doomed…never getting out. but, I will say…it the best! never will u get people from the upper ranks, new players, and other experienced players, who will never get out, battling in one venue…bronze is what it is…but damn…it epic.