Pink Mercy waiting room

I hate to be THAT guy, but considering the controversies Blizzard has seem to be involved in… I don’t know that the Breast Cancer Foundation would even want to work with them again; however, I am open to being surprised.

At the end of the day though, it was described as limited. Gatekeeping aside, that would really peeve a lot of people.

There are plenty of skins people won’t be able to get again, ex. Blizzcon event skins. I would love to have Symmetra Tyrande, but it won’t happen.

I’d be upset if they released Pink Mercy again, but not something like the Tyrande skin.

If they made it fair like that, I’d be down.

Sometimes it’s best to move on and accept the fact it’s very unlikely to come back.

Or at the very least, accept the fact that making another thread about it is not going to change a single thing.


BCRF has stated in writing multiple times that they’d love for the offer to return


I don’t accept that, personally, nor do many of the others who would like to see this skin return

Its perfectly acceptable that some folks have chosen to move on, but there is certainly no requirement or need to do so

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Where, and more importantly, when? Would appreciate the info! And my statement still stands, I would be okay with it if they brought all exclusive items back. =) Thanks!

this has been covered in multiple recent Pink Mercy related threads, including this one

awesome, thank you for the support


Hello again friend, you may see I have very few replies. New to the forums. If you can’t provide the sources, that’s quite alright. Thanks

They are there to read.

It is of course entirely up to you whether you choose to read them or not

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I simply asked for the sources, since you brought them up. It would only help your case to provide them to others. Sorry you didn’t get your pink mercy skin originally, Megadodo. I’d be on your side under the right circumstances.

UPDATE: I see the PNG image regarding the foundation via Fbook messenger.

Awesome, they’re still willing to work with Blizzard. If they don’t want to bring back pink Mercy, pink skins for other characters would be rad.

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I dont particularly like presumption, especially when it is regarding me personally, and as such, I’ll ask politely here just one time that it stop

that said …the information you are asking for has as I already said been provided multiple times, including earlier in this thread

with this item now fully clarified, I wont be addressing it any further in this side discussion

it wont have and you know it its like the genji skin for 2019

you will never get pink mercy


I don’t know. If I were the BCRF I wouldn’t want to sacrifice my integrity to work with a company again after it was revealed how certain people in said company treated women.

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So what if you would like it to return? Blizzard themselves have said they have no plans to bring it back, so it is “very unlikely”.

You can still hope it comes back, but constantly asking for something after you’ve already been told “no” is no different to how a child acts. All you have to do is simply wait and see, not keep asking.

Blizzard already released almost all the OWL skins (all but the Alien Zarya), all the OWL League grey/white and also all the weekly holiday and hero challenges skins multiple times now even though they were also marketed as limited time only skins. The only skins that hasn’t come back are the Blizzcon ones (other than the Demon Sombra) and Pink Mercy. Pink Mercy were even available through purchase inside the game like the OWL skins but still hasn’t come back.

People who were dissapoined complained on the forums when the OWL and weekly challenges skins re-released again because some people (especially with the OWL ones) spent real money to obtain them since some people didn’t know that you could earn enough OW Tokens for free by watching YouTube streams by the time they bought their first skins. Some of these people were complaining that they could have just waited until the skins would return and they would have had enough tokens to buy all the OWL skin for free. Other people complained because the skins were said to be “limited edition”.

Pink Mercy has always been only available through one way and that’s only by spending real money and now when all other limited edition skins are back in the game , why not release the rest of them because you can make the argument that it’s unfair that most of the skins came back but not all of them now.
I have no issues with skins being available again. The more people who can get a skin, the better in my opinion. Like some other people have mentioned and also what many people thought back in 2018 was the OWL Zenyatta and Pink Mercy were limited time only like holiday skins were you can only buy them at a certain time of the year, so some people skipped out on them since they thought they could buy them next year when they come back in the store but they never did. Well the OWL Zenyatta came back in 2022 and now in OW2.


The post I responded to suggested that folks should simply “accept” and “move on”

I responded that there is no need to do either

As for this beign childish? Not at all. It is quite normal to ask for something one wishes to have but isnt available - like when a type of cereal I like isnt on the shelf at the grocers. Nothing childish in this at all.

As for this being my response, personally? I am far far far from alone


Accepting that you’ve already been told “no” but it is still a possibility does not mean constantly asking for it.

Like I said, that is what a child does who can’t take no for an answer. You can accept something and still hope it comes back without having to constantly make it known that you want it to come back.

Usually when you are told “no”, you should move on.


And when you’re told they are out of stock do you constantly ask them again and again if they have it? No you don’t.


I have not been told no, actually

No one has.

further, there’s no problem discussing this legitimate ow-related topic on a forum explicitly set up to discuss ow-related topics

  1. here has not been a “no” for an answer

  2. there is nothing childish whatsoever in asking for an item that isnt currently available

I agree

Everyone has that choice - to speak up or remain silent

I choose to speak up

Many others on this thread and/or other Pink Mercy threads have chosen to do so as well

and given that this is a legitimate ow-related topic on a forum specifically set up to discuss ow-related topics, I like all forum members can choose to do so freely here

as I’ve already stated, we’ve not been told “no”