I’ve had the same issues too. I think its ridiculous they don’t tell us about these things and say it’s going to be in July then just say “Welp it’s coming September now.”
Like you said, good cause and the shirt’s awesome but from the aspect of just a customer receiving a product on the specified date it’s a bit ridiculous.
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I honestly don’t mind delays too much, so long as companies are very open about it. I had the shirt bought for me by a friend during a time that I was having to go through check ups myself. The skin was a massive boost for me mentally and given the nature of cause, I’m sure I’m not the only person with a personal investment in the event.
The fact that Blizzard haven’t warned customers about delays is awful customer service even without this being for charity! I didn’t expect to have to find the answer from other customers instead of the company running the event.
According to my original confirmation email I really should have had my shirt by now, but I guess now I won’t have the shirt for my next appointment. Disappointing to say the least.
I had the same concerns!!! I ordered mine the 8th of May and Looked today to see what my invoice said and it still is labeled processing… I was hoping to receive it by a convention date and go as a “Casual” pink mercy one day but that plan flopped as they are now saying that shipping should be done by september… I’m actually really disappointed in the fact that that I actively chose to invest $30 for a tee shirt (($30 is alot of money for a tee shirt…)) for something I’m not going to get for another 6 months. I’m honestly over the Overwatch fandom right now too.
Hi, this may be a little off topic but I ordered and paid through the same system (Braintree). So last year I ordered the Nendroid D.Va back on 12/20/17. It had a release window of July. It’s 7/24/18, and the order said it would be shipped by 7/31/18. I can’t help but worry. I did order the Overwatch Pink Mercy Charity Shirt on 5/8/18 along with you guys too but haven’t heard a peep either. No idea how the manufacturing company is dealing with this whole situation. I’ve worked in a warehouse and had certain vendors… even big ones like Nike ship booking orders; which are like “hey, this is how much we want for this season-MINIMUM” only to ship it halfway through the season. I don’t know how much patience I can have for this as the refund and return window are way past for the DVa order…
When we ordered our Products we got an email saying it would take that long. So you were informed from the beginning, nothing to complain of, and could have been handled that day if it was not a problem, at least I know I got an email the same day and was like oh bummer, oh well for a good cause… I also believe the shirts were to be made after everyone bought one so that they would know how many to make in total in mass, that way everyone gets their shirts around the same time… If I remember correctly Blizzard Gear is handled by a whole other manufacturer than the people who actually run the actual company, but I maybe wrong?? Either way, everyone was informed via email not to long after ordering, and should just be patient. It isn’t the end of the world, and went to an amazing cause regardless. I know it isn’t what everyone expected nor do I approve of these methods, but we all know we will get our shirts.
This. September was the date given on the item page for placing your order, it was abundantly clear enough to me, to note it and have this response from the CM.
There is no delay, as yet, to be worried about. They were always clear that this is when they expected to have them to us by.
Yes, it sucks they can’t have them to us sooner, but the important thing is that we raised $12.5m for the charity. 
Hello! I’m Canadian and I paid quite a lot for the shirt. It cost $40 for the shirt, and around $10 for the shipping. That much for shipping is pretty expensive, and it essentially came to a total of $50. I paid $50 for the Pink Mercy shirt and was told it would come in July. Needless to say I’m extremely disappointed in Blizzard. Even though it may come from a different manufacturer, they should also know how to keep a schedule as it’s not their reputation at stake. September was NOT the date I was given. Many others were also told they would get theirs by July 7th. I’m glad I donated, I really am, but this kind of business practice is unacceptable.
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A little unacceptable that it is taking this long, and longer, to mail out a bunch of pink screen printed t-shirts…Wowzers.
End of September was the date listed on the gear store. Everyone was given that date.
Follow up on my DVa Nendroid literally just today. The tracking and shipping details are pretty uhh… how you say… misleading? Since it was “Overnight” to another facility but not really detailing the tracking on it’s way to me other than the email telling me shipping method is Priority and by that I think means USPS Priority which can be anywhere between 1-3 business days. Just a heads up for when you do get the email. It may be the end of July but hey it’s at least shipping… probably can expect the same for Mercy.
EDIT: My D.Va nendroid came the next day after it shipped like I paid for.
EDIT2: My Mercy shirt just gave me a shipping confirmation. Hope everyone else gets theirs soon so we can all start wearin!
They sent me an email saying they would ship my t-shirt on 7/7/2018 and literally nothing has arrived and when I check my order it still says processing. I’m extremely pissed they should’ve at least sent me an email saying my order would be delayed.
Wait time is ridiculous.
I figured it would be a longer wait on these ones as opposed to normal blizzard ordering since they didnt have a ton of mass produced ones lying around and would likely be printing them out as fast as they could, i ordered mine later in the campaign so I figured I would be one of the unlucky few waiting until september to receive mine, but hearing that people who ordered theirs way before me havent recieved theirs either?
Now im thinking with international shipping i’m going to be lucky to see my shirt before november :L
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Welp, at least I’ll get it in time for my birthday 
Phew, good to know I am not the only one having this delay.
I don’t know about everyone else but I got an email yesterday that my pink mercy skin “has left the warehouse and is on the way to my shipping address”, hopefully it will be here soon
Why is this posted in general? Isn’t there a shirt complaint forum???
I got an email on the 10th saying my shirt had been shipped. It came in the mail today.
Hey there I know this sounds weird but how is the quality of the shirt I ordered one for a friend and I’ve seen a couple posts saying the quality was awful.
Haven’t received my shirt yet either.
I work with a lot of these multi-billion dollar companies for creative work.
My last client didn’t tell me that we had text restrictions until 2 weeks before the cover was set to print 2 million copies.
This is a major name publisher and no one anywhere along the line felt the need to tell me the very important printing restrictions at any point in time. [I also had to ask for literally. Every. Detail. I had to ask five different people for the printing format specs, we had to edit the spines like six times, nightmare central.]
The older I get the more I realize that ‘professional’ companies are still just… Groups of people trying to do their job, and a lot of people aren’t so good at their job because they’re underpaid/overworked/not trained well enough and there’s no structure in place to help it, they’re just hoping no one notices.
Good news is they did manage to print the text, buuuut it’s cropped a bit weird on the top and bottom =/ oh well!