Pink Mercy, pink healing beam?

Does anyone else think that they should change her yellow healing beam to pink?


I would prefer it to stay yellow for consistency reasons with all healing effects being yellow, and damage boosts being blue.


That’s understandable but, considering the entire skin is all pink it’ll suit it more if the healing beam was pink too. Besides, it’s only for the charity skin. It’s just what I think tho. :slight_smile:


It would be pretty cool if her healing beam was pink, but I only consider it a minor complaint with what is otherwise a very nice skin :smiley:

People will have a hard time know whats heals and whats dmg boost

Blue and pink are quite different colors

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No heal still has 2 more smooth beams while damage has a more rugged single beam

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I want a pink healing beam so bad but probably won’t happen

I hope that it will happen but if not, that’s okay too. :slight_smile:

I think if they made the pink client side to the current user of the skin it would work as the player using it most likely wouldn’t get confused with it as they are the one controlling it.


Is that legitimately a thing?

I’m confused how this could matter to anyone at all.

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Exactly. Blizzard explained that they had to choose specific colors for specific effects, and stick with it to keep consistent. So there is not a chance they would remove this consistency.


It’s already been brought up. Simple answer, no.

It’s too much pink.

It lacks consistency as well. People don’t need to relearn that pink is healing while it stays blue for damage. It’s been the colors they are since the launch of the game and that’s the way it needs to stay.

Because it’s consistency for both sides. We know that a healing beam is yellow and damage boosting is blue. Changing it can cause confusion.

Too much work from a programming stand point for a very little yield. Especially since it doesn’t change the game play at all.

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It’s not that one exception is hard to remember, it’s that as you get more and more special effects like that added to the game it becomes more difficult to tell what is going on. Kinda like how all the special skin ult lines make it harder to tell if an ally or enemy is ulting.

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I’m still wondering if that’s an actual argument against it.

Because it sounds silly.

I’m colorblind and I can’t tell pink and blue apart that well. It would really confuse me :frowning:

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Is an actual argument. The suggestion is trying to ruin consistency. Having one skin that does something when another skin doesn’t breaks that chain. Especially if two people swapped who played Mercy and one person had Pink and the other didn’t.

It has to stay the same for everyone to see. Skins can change, but the colors of the bullets and beams have to stay the same to tell them all apart.

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Pink Mercy now shoots Pink bullets, hasn’t confused anyone yet

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Pink Mercy shoots pink bullets


Okay, but would being able to tell the colors apart somehow change what you’re doing and when?

Like, I’m legitimately confused here.

I’m Mercy - Healing is one button or the other. I know which button I’m pushing.

You’re tethered by Mercy - You either see the healing icon or the damage icon.

You’re the enemy - Who cares, you should be killing Mercy regardless of what color her tether is.

I’m really just having a hard time wrapping my head around how “but the consistency!” is even close to an argument.