Pink Mercy, pink healing beam?

It really wouldn’t be.

I don’t have my keybinds on hold-to-heal or w/e, I have it to toggle and stay on the target even if I look away. And with my playstyle, I activate my healing beam and look around my surroundings frequently. My indicator for which beam I have on is the color, not necessarily the symbols.

And as the enemy, yes, I should kill her either way…but if there is a damage boosted target, say a Widow or Hanzo, it means I’d have to be far more careful.

The visual cue for me in the form of color is really helpful for me. :confused:

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We said the same thing about Mei’s Beekeeper Skin to make her Primary Fire shoot honey and it never happened. :sleepy:

Yah, true, but you can tell you’re being shot at. I mean, there is red popping up all over the place when you’re getting hit. And dying. But ya know. It’s still not a beam. Would be like someone saying let’s change Zarya’s beam to green.

why would someone on the other team keep a beam on me that does no damage?

On my screen I can see the little plus to mean I am getting healed

Bullets are all damage based, color is irrelevant for guns and bullets, they always vary in color for different heroes. I am just repeating what blizzard said. The want healing to be yellow, damage buffs to be blue, poison to be purple, etc. They did not want to have any of those effects have different colors. (like pink healing) It wouldn’t confuse me, and I would be fine if blizzard implemented this, but I am just explaining why they won’t.

How hard would it actually be to make this something only the Mercy can see?

I’d kind of like to see more variety in spell effects/colors in general tbh. More cosmetic effects, even if I’m the only one who sees them.

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I would actually be fine with that too.

Why not just make the healing beam only pink to the person that has the skin, and it remains the same yellow colour for allies?

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It would be hard to see with color blind people, probably.